Global response needed to counter rising security threats at sea
Global response needed to counter rising security threats at sea
Global response needed to counter rising security threats at sea

Addressing a high-level debate on enhancing security for seafarers, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, the UN Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet, highlighted the need for stronger international cooperation.

Incidents in Asia have nearly doubled, while West Africa, the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, and the South China Sea, were the most affected areas, she said.

The “unprecedented” levels of insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea, and more recently in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, were also particularly concerning.

Growing interlinked threats

“Maritime insecurity is also compounding the terrorist threat emerging from the Sahel,” Ms. Viotti told ambassadors.

“These growing and interlinked threats call for a truly global and integrated response. A response that addresses these challenges directly as well as their root causes – including poverty, a lack of alternative livelihoods, insecurity, and weak governance structures.”

Maritime security is also being undermined by challenges around contested boundaries and navigation routes, and depletion of natural resources through illegal or unreported fishing, Ms. Viotti added.

She said the meeting, held via videoconference, was a chance to further advance global action on a vital but complex issue as all countries are affected, whether they are coastal or landlocked.

‘Shared global commons’

The open debate was organized by India, which holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council this month.

For the country’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, oceans are “our shared global commons” and the “lifeline” of international trade.  The UN estimates that more than three billion people worldwide, mainly in developing countries, depend on the ocean for their livelihood and well-being.

“However, today this common maritime heritage of ours faces various types of threats,” said Mr. Modi. “Maritime routes are being misused for piracy and terrorism. There are maritime disputes between several countries. And climate change and natural disasters are also challenges to the maritime domain.”

From commitment to action

Ms. Viotti highlighted legal instruments that uphold maritime security, such as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

“But this framework is only as strong as countries’ commitment to full and effective implementation,” she stressed. “We need to translate commitment into action.”

The UN has welcomed moves by the international community to strengthen cooperation on maritime security.  The Organization also supports regional initiatives, including to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia and to try and cut down on the armed robbery of ships in Asia.

Global programme afloat

Ghada Waly, Executive Director at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that a 2009 programme, initially established to address the Somali piracy threat, is now its largest initiative, with a budget that has grown from $300,000 to over $230 million.

The Global Maritime Crime Programme encompasses some 170 personnel based in 26 countries who provide capacity building and support for legal reform, simulated trials and maritime training centres.

“Yet, the challenges to maritime security continue to grow, and our responses must keep up,” said Ms. Waly.

The UN agency chief encouraged the Security Council to take action towards implementing the related legal framework, building capabilities, expanding partnerships and promoting crime prevention response.  She underscored the need to reduce vulnerabilities.

“Pirates, criminals, and terrorists exploit poverty and desperation to seek recruits, gain support, and find shelter. To counter these threats, we need to raise awareness and educate people, especially youth, while providing alternative livelihoods and support for local businesses,” said Ms. Waly.

(Video) Recognizing Raisi as Iran’s President Fuels Impunity Over Human Rights Violations
Recognizing Raisi as Iran’s President Fuels Impunity Over Human Rights Violations
(Video) Recognizing Raisi as Iran’s President Fuels Impunity Over Human Rights Violations

Raisi is under sanctions for his human rights abuses. Khamenei chose him as the regime’s president so he could serve him, and keep the mullahs’ regime afloat.

Amnesty underlined that ‘Crimes against humanity’ loom large over Raisi’s inauguration as president. We continue to call for him to be criminally investigated for his role in past and ongoing crimes.”

PARIS, FRANCE, August 5, 2021 / — The People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), reported that the Iranian regime’s new president, Ebrahim Raisi, was inaugurated today. Many international human rights organizations have called for Raisi’s prosecution for his human rights abuses. Yet, Enrique Mora, the Deputy Political Director of the European External Action Service, participated in Raisi’s inauguration today.Raisi dubbed the “Butcher of Tehran,” was a member of Tehran’s “Death Commission” during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Raisi and his fellow “Death Commission” members sent thousands of political prisoners to the gallows.

Reacting to Mora’s planned visit to Iran, Amnesty International stated: “The international community, including the EU, which is sending Enrique Mora to Raisi’s inauguration, must publicly demonstrate its commitment to fight against systematic impunity in Iran for extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, and torture.”

Amnesty underlined that “Crimes against humanity loom large over Ebrahim Raisi’s inauguration as president of Iran. We continue to call for him to be criminally investigated for his role in past and ongoing crimes against humanity related to the 1988 massacre.”

During his first press conference after his selection as the regime’s new president, Raisi blatantly said he should be “rewarded” for his career. Recognizing Raisi as Iran’s representative and shaking hands with him is the approval of this criminal and indeed a reward for his crimes against humanity.

His presidency, as underlined by the Amnesty Secretary-General, Agnes Callamard, on June 19, “is a grim reminder that impunity reigns supreme in Iran.” By participating in Raisi’s inauguration or pursuing negotiations with him, the European Union is fortifying this impunity.

The international community’s failure in holding Raisi and other perpetrators of the 1988 massacre to account has led to systematic impunity in Iran, where mass murderers like Raisi are rewarded instead of being prosecuted.

Seven United Nations human rights experts underlined in their letter published in December 2020 that this failure “had a devastating impact on the survivors and families” and “emboldened” the Iranian authorities to “conceal the fate of the victims and to maintain a strategy of deflection and denial.”

The murder and torture of protesters in November 2019 also took place under Raisi’s watch are part of the devastating impact of the international community’s failure to hold Raisi and his ilk to account.

Raisi is under sanctions for his human rights abuses. Khamenei chose him as the regime’s next president so Raisi could serve Khamenei, suppress protests and dissidents, and keep the mullahs’ regime afloat.

When in October 2020, the EU adopted its new “Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime,” the EU’s High Representative Josep Borrell underlined that the efforts to defend human rights should go “beyond” legislations and resolution.

By sending his deputy to Raisi’s inauguration Borrell and the EU are not only staying behind their human rights values and the Global Sanctions Regime, but they are also indeed justifying the systematic human rights abuses in Iran.

The international community, mainly the European Union, should not recognize Raisi as Iran’s president. They should call for his prosecution and lead an international investigation into the 1988 massacre and the forced disappearance and killing of thousands of Iranians within the last 42 years.


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Raisi, Butcher of 1988 Massacre in Iran


UNODC and Siemens AG strengthen partnership for business integrity
UNODC and Siemens AG strengthen partnership for business integrity
UNODC and Siemens AG strengthen partnership for business integrity

Vienna (Austria), 2 August 2021 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Siemens AG signed a funding agreement worth US$ 4 million to strengthen business integrity.

The sum represents the largest single contribution by the private sector to UNODC’s anti-corruption work. It will be dedicated to funding a new UNODC project, called Global Action for Business Integrity, which aims to prevent and fight corruption by strengthening legal frameworks, helping small businesses identify corruption risks, and involving youth, civil society, and academia in developing anti-corruption responses. The scope of the project is global with a focus on seven countries: Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan.

The Executive Director of UNODC, Ms. Ghada Waly, said: “To recover better from the COVID-19 crisis, businesses will need to recover with integrity. Thanks to the support of Siemens AG, UNODC will be able to help private sector companies build their capacity to play a bigger role in preventing and countering corruption, in line with the political declaration adopted in June by the UN General Assembly at its special session against corruption. I commend Siemens AG for its dedication to collective anti-corruption action, and I urge more companies to follow their lead.”

Sabine Zindera, Vice President, Siemens Legal and Compliance and head of Siemens’ global Collective Action activities and the Siemens Integrity Initiative added: “The fight against corruption is a clear business case for companies. What is more, Siemens has been constantly driving Collective Action over the past decade and has with a commitment of around 120 million US-dollars and 85 projects around the world strongly supported practical implementation on the ground. This is in our view indispensable for achieving lasting change and transforming the everyday into a true level playing field. We are very much looking forward to continuing our long-standing international cooperation with UNODC who is especially through the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) ideally positioned to engage and inspire many partners for practical implementation on the ground.”

The project Global Action for Business Integrity will mobilize stakeholders from the public sector, the private sector, civil society and academia to develop common responses:
• In Brazil, the project will conduct a youth hackathon to identify solutions to improve the dialogue between public sector, private sector and civil society on business integrity.
• In Colombia, the project will target civil society and academia and build their capacity to participate in collective action against corruption.
• In Egypt, the project will implement “On the Job Training” modules on business ethics for senior university students to build a culture of integrity among young professionals.
• In Ethiopia and in Saudi Arabia, the focus of the project is on training small- and medium-sized enterprises on corruption risk assessment.
• In Malaysia, UNODC will assist national authorities in the development and implementation of regulations on the liability of legal persons and beneficial ownership transparency.
• In Uzbekistan, the project will build the capacity of the public sector and civil society organizations in the area of strengthening anti-corruption components in legislation.

The project’s implementation is guided by the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument to prevent corruption and criminalize conducts such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions and various acts of corruption in the private sector. In addition to the initiatives led in the seven focus countries, the project includes a global outreach component designed to identify good practices on business integrity and share them widely through publications and a global webinar series.

The project Global Action for Business Integrity is funded by Siemens AG under the Golden Stretch Funding Round, which builds upon the earlier three funding rounds. Siemens AG will now contribute US$ 4 million to UNODC over the next three years. Since the launch of the Siemens Integrity Initiative in 2009, Siemens AG has contributed over US$ 13.5 million to UNODC, enabling the Office to deliver nine projects in 17 countries.

Putin spoke of US attempts to maintain a monopoly position in the world
Putin spoke of US attempts to maintain a monopoly position in the world
Putin spoke of US attempts to maintain a monopoly position in the world

Russia’s economic sovereignty is growing, despite Western sanctions, and its defense capacity has in some ways surpassed many countries around the world, including the United States. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the annual “Hotline”, in which he answers on Russian state television to convenient questions from Russians selected by Kremlin.

“The period of the unipolar world is over. And you have to start from the fact that the world is changing and changing fast. No matter what sanctions are applied to Russia, no matter what they threaten us with, Russia is still developing, its economic sovereignty is increases, “Putin insisted, citing as an example the recommendations of analysts advising the US political class.

The Russian head of state noted that the US partners understood that the world was changing, but tried to maintain their monopoly position.

“Hence, please, threats and further destructive behavior – both with these exercises and with provocations, with sanctions,” he added.

At the same time, he stressed that the policy of sanctions against Russia has given impetus to programs to replace imported goods.

In South Africa plan to allow women to have more than one husband
In South Africa plan to allow women to have more than one husband
In South Africa plan to allow women to have more than one husband

The South African government is exploring the possibility of allowing women to have more husbands – a proposal that has caused quite a stir among conservatives in the country, according to BGNES. The proposal for the admission of polyandry is included in a Green Paper (a government document that any interested person can study and on which he can make proposals, especially before the legislation is changed or new) of the Ministry of Interior of South Africa, whose intention is to make marriage more inclusive. The option is one of several in a comprehensive document, but it has sparked intense debate in South Africa. Polygamy, in which men marry multiple wives, is legal in the country. “South Africa has inherited a marriage regime based on Calvinist and Western Christian traditions,” the document said, adding that current marriage laws “are not informed by a global policy based on constitutional values ​​and an understanding of the dynamics of marriage in modern times.

The document states that the current law allows marriages of minors and does not provide for couples who change their gender and want to stay married to divorce. As part of efforts to strengthen marriage policy, the department consults with traditional leaders, as well as human rights activists and other groups, on key issues. Human rights activists “argue that equality requires polyandry to be legally recognized as a form of marriage.” Officials found that people have very different views on marriage, but one suggestion is to develop a “gender-neutral” marriage scheme. “South Africa can end the categorization of marriages based on race, sexual orientation, religion and culture,” the proposal said. “This means that South Africa could adopt a double system of monogamous or polygamous marriages.” Due to the element of gender neutrality, this option would apply to both women and men if it became law and therefore allowed polyandry. Conservatives in the country were stunned by the proposal. A popular critic of the proposal is Musa Mseleku, a reality star who has four wives. “I am for equality,” Mseleku said in a video in May. He argues that polyandry would call into question the paternity of children. “What family will this child belong to?” Mseleku asks. “Moreover, we are spiritual people,” he added. “Our spirits, our creator, made sure we were created that way.” “It’s foreign to our mentality,” he said. And he points out that “protecting our existence is important for both the present generation and the future.”

The idea that polyandry is not authentically African is also widespread among religious leaders, according to the interior ministry. The document notes that talks with traditional leaders revealed that they believed that “only men are allowed to have multiple wives.” The document added: “Therefore, traditional leaders consider polyandry an unacceptable practice because it is not of African origin.” The Rev. Kenneth Mesho, leader of the African Christian Democratic Party, also opposed the proposal. In an interview with South African television operator eNCA, Mesho said that while polygamy is an “accepted practice”, polyandry is not. “Men are jealous and possessive,” Mesho said, explaining why multiple marriages would not work.

Later in the document, officials said that “while some stakeholders believe in the practice of polygamy, there are those who oppose it. This applies equally to the practice of polyandry. Ironically, stakeholders who believe in polygamy are against polyandry. The South African government is consulting the document by 30 June, inviting comments on all proposals.

How to protect yourself from sunstroke
How to protect yourself from sunstroke
How to protect yourself from sunstroke

In connection with the high temperatures during the summer season, the Ministry of Health reminds citizens that the most at risk of sunstroke are adults over 60 and children, as well as people with cardiovascular disease and people with obesity. To protect themselves, people should stay in the shade, especially at noon, protect themselves from direct sunlight, wear a hat in the city and use a beach umbrella on the beach, wear cotton and light clothing, drink more fluids, not to drink alcohol during the day, to avoid physical activity, summer vacationers not to stay on the beach between 11 and 14 hours. In case of sunstroke, patients are transported to the shade and cold compresses are placed on their heads.

Signs of sunstroke and heat stroke

The difference between heat stroke and sunstroke is that heat stroke can occur not only in the sun. The most unpleasant complication is that it stops sweating due to dehydration, unlike sunstroke, in which sweating is preserved. Heat stroke can occur when working in warm and humid rooms, in stuffy weather and high humidity and outdoors. Under such conditions, it is difficult to release heat from the body to the environment. . Predisposing factors for this are strenuous physical activity on a full stomach, alcohol consumption, wearing thick and closed clothes, as well as the presence of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

The signs of sunstroke and heat stroke are similar. There are headaches, flushing, profuse sweating, rapid and difficult breathing, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, dizziness and ringing in the ears. In more severe forms, loss of consciousness, hallucinations and seizures occur.

Symptoms of heat stroke

The symptoms of heat stroke in its initial phase are fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, involuntary trembling of individual muscle groups (cramps). In the next phase, there is a violation of tone and consciousness to the point of heat stroke and a sharp rise in body temperature to values ​​above physiological. There is a general reddening of the skin without sweating. It is important to note that if left untreated, this condition can lead to respiratory arrest and death.

Paramedic help

First aid for heat or sunstroke should be provided quickly, regardless of the degree of damage. The victim is transferred to a cool, shady and ventilated place, placed in a semi-sitting position, the clothes are loosened, it is necessary to spray with water and put a cold compress on the head. Wet towels are also placed on the victim’s chest, abdomen and back and he is given cold water to drink. If the victim is able to drink fluids, he is given plenty of chilled and sweetened drinks. In case of loss of consciousness and cessation of breathing and heart activity, artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage are performed. The victim was transported lying down to a medical facility.

  First aid for heat stroke

It is applied after the effect of heat has been previously isolated. Cooling is undertaken only after removing the clothes, wrapping with a squeezed damp sheet, rubbing the body with a wet cold towel or sponge, placing bags and bottles of cold water and ice under the arms, groin and abdomen. If the victim is unconscious and there is a medical professional nearby, the body temperature is lowered by intravenous infusion of chilled physiological serum or by injection of analgin / antiallerzine, intramuscularly.

If the victim is conscious, it is necessary to take sweetened and cooled liquids. When working in very humid and warm rooms, regular intake of carbonated water is necessary.

Emergency medical care

In any case, in case of need for emergency care in a situation of heat or sunstroke, the needy should contact the emergency departments of the nearest medical institution or in case of impossibility or remoteness of the medical institution – to the regional centers of emergency medical care common European emergency number 112 introduced by Directive 2002/20 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe and of 2008 in all Member States.

How to protect yourself from the heat
How to protect yourself from the heat
How to protect yourself from the heat

In recent years, the days with high and extremely high temperatures have increased significantly. We talk about heat waves if in two consecutive days the temperatures are above 30 degrees and the forecast for the third day is the same. The summer heat in the city can be exhausting for the human body.

Maintain a cool temperature in your home

Strive to maintain a cool temperature in your home. Check the temperature in it between 8 am and 10 am, at 1 pm and in the evening at 10 pm. It must be lower than 32 ° C during the day and 24 ° C at night. These instructions are especially important to follow for children over the age of 60 or people with chronic health problems.

Use the cool air at night to ventilate your home. If it is safe, open all windows at night and early in the morning when the outside temperature is lower.

Reduce the heat inside your home. Close windows and especially those that are directly exposed to sunlight during the day. Turn off artificial lighting and as much electrical appliance as possible.

Put blinds, draperies and awnings on the windows that are illuminated by the sun in the morning or afternoon.

Put wet towels in your home to cool it. Remember that then the humidity also increases.

If you have air conditioning in your home, close doors and windows and turn off electrical appliances that are not needed for cooling so as to reduce the risk of power outages.

Electric fans can bring relief from the heat, but when temperatures are above 35 ° C, they cannot prevent heat-related health problems. It is important to drink plenty of fluids.

Beware of the heat

Move to the coolest room, especially at night.

If it is not possible to maintain a cool temperature in your home, spend 2-3 hours a day in a cool place (for example, in a public air-conditioned building).

Avoid going out in the hottest hours of the day.

Avoid strenuous physical activity. If you have one – finish it in the coldest part of the day, which is usually between 4 and 7 o’clock in the morning.

Stay in the shade.

Do not leave children or animals in a parked car.

Keep your body cool and hydrated

Take a cool shower or bath. Alternatively, you can use cold compresses, towels, sponges, foot baths, etc.

Wear summer, loose-fitting clothes made of natural fabrics. Outside, wear a wide brimmed hat or visor and sunglasses.

Use light sheets and blankets without padding to avoid heat retention.

Drink fluids regularly, avoiding alcohol, smoking and excessive caffeine and sugar.

Eat more often and in small amounts. Avoid foods rich in protein.

If you have a health problem Store medicines below 25 ° C or in the refrigerator (read the instructions for storage).

Seek medical advice if you suffer from a chronic condition or are taking multiple medications.

  If you or someone next to you feels unwell Try to find help if you feel dizzy, lethargic, restless or have a strong thirst and headache; move to a cool place as soon as possible and measure your body temperature.

Drink water or fruit juices to rehydrate.

Rest immediately in a cool place if you experience painful muscle spasms, most often in the legs, arms or abdomen, in many cases after prolonged exercise on hot days; drink rehydrating solutions that contain electrolytes; seek medical attention if heat cramps persist for more than an hour.

Consult a doctor if you experience unusual symptoms or if symptoms persist. If a family member has hot and dry skin and delirium, convulsions and / or unconsciousness, call a doctor or call an ambulance immediately. While waiting for the ambulance, move the victim to a cool place and put him to bed with raised legs and thighs, take off his clothes and start external cooling with cold compresses on the neck, Achilles and groin, ventilate and wet the skin with water at 25-30 ° C. . Measure your body temperature. Do not give the victim acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol. Lay away unconscious people.

The Indian, who had 38 wives, 89 children and 36 grandchildren, died
The Indian, who had 38 wives, 89 children and 36 grandchildren, died
The Indian, who had 38 wives, 89 children and 36 grandchildren, died

He is considered the man with the largest family in the world

The Indian, considered the head of the largest family in the world, died in the northeastern state of Mizoram.

There are conflicting reports about the number of Ziona Chana’s family members. He is believed to have had 38 wives, 89 children and 36 grandchildren. According to other information, the family numbers a total of 181 people.

Ziona Chana died as a result of complications from diabetes and high blood pressure.

The man led a religious sect that practiced polygamy. It was founded in 1942 by Chan’s grandfather.

The huge family usually consumes 30 chickens, 60 kilograms of potatoes and 100 kilograms of rice a day. The family lives on a four-storey mansion with 100 rooms. Chana’s wives are housed in a huge bedroom that is adjacent to his rooms.

Indian media claim that Ziona Chana holds the world record for the largest family, but it is not officially recognized.

Ziona Chana, who was born in 1945, met his first wife when he was 17, BTA reports. She was three years older than him.

Chana’s family home, as well as the northeastern state of Mizoram, have become a local tourist attraction. People from all over the world visit them to see how the most populous family in the world lives.

How hot drinks help to cool down in the summer
How hot drinks help to cool down in the summer
How hot drinks help to cool down in the summer

In the summer heat, we all dream of ice lemonade, or another cold drink to cool us down. However, the truth is that drinking hot drinks in the summer is more effective in cooling our body.

Hot drinks are one of the most avoided in the heat, and they could help you feel cool. This is shown by data from a 2012 study conducted by Canadian scientists from the University of Ottawa, quoted by

The researchers conducted a study on cyclists in the laboratory within 75 minutes. While the cyclists rode a bicycle, they drank glasses of water with different temperatures – from 1 degree to 50 degrees.

During the study, the researchers found that cyclists’ body temperature decreased after drinking hot liquids compared to cold ones. Why is this happening?

Intake of warm and hot fluids provokes a temporary rise in body temperature inside the body. This stimulates profuse sweating, which in turn contributes to the cooling of the body. Sweating is a natural mechanism for cooling the body. In the heat, it is a way for the body to get rid of heat and cope with the weather outside.

That is why there is nothing strange in drinking hot and hot drinks in the summer. It all comes down to sweating and the thermal effect that hot liquids cause in the body. The more hot drinks you drink on summer days, the easier it will be to tolerate the heat.

The cyclists who took part in the study also rode their bikes with the fan on, which further stimulated the accelerated evaporation of sweat from their bodies. This led to an additional cooling effect.

Evaporation of sweat from the skin is more difficult in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, additional ventilating with a fan contributes to the cooling effect that the researchers wanted to achieve. For this reason, they found that drinking hot liquids in the summer works more in dry areas with low humidity. In those with high humidity, drinking cold liquids has a better effect on cooling the body.

A “versatile” Australian Shepherd dog sold for a record price
A “versatile” Australian Shepherd dog sold for a record price
A “versatile” Australian Shepherd dog sold for a record price

A working dog can stimulate the herd instinct of the cattle he keeps and make him do what he needs to do quite calmly.

A “calm” Australian Cattle Dog was sold at a record $ 27,068 (£ 19,228) at auction, the BBC reported.

The buyer, who is a shepherd and cattle breeder, wished to remain anonymous.

The Yuluka Hoover dog is two years old and “versatile”. His trainer, David Lee, said he instinctively knew how to handle receiving and was very animal-friendly.

“It can stimulate their herd instinct and make them do what they have to do in complete peace. It’s innate to him, “he explained. The dog is trained to look after not only sheep but also cattle.

The previous highest price for a dog’s work was paid to a UK border guard last year – £ 18,900.

Australian Cattle Dog is a typical Australian Shepherd dog. They are cultvated there from the 19th century.

Credit cards of antiquity
Credit cards of antiquity
Credit cards of antiquity

In ancient times, international trade flourished. In Mesopotamia during the Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) kingdom (626-539 BC), trade pervaded everywhere. Large merchants and moneylenders unite and create a kind of offices or trading houses. The larger ones are able to control economic life. In trade and usury, in the “banking” business, Jews resettled by Nebuchadnezzar were also included. In the Bible we have evidence of an increase in the number of people suffering from social injustice, as luxury and excess are accompanied by misery among the masses: silver and gold are piled up (Isa. 2: 7), deception and speculation are spreading (Hosea 12: 8; Mich. 2: 1ff .; Am. 8: 5), houses decorated with ivory are built (Am. 3:15), the wives of the rich are adorned with earrings, necklaces, bracelets (Isa. 3: 17-24) , house after house is added, level after level, so that in the words of the prophet “they leave no room for others”, as if only they were settled on the earth (Isa. 5: 8).

The ancient big business tycoons had different categories of credit cards. These cards have played a vital role in various areas of application, such as gold card, silver card, platinum card. Cards with a relatively lower category such as, e.g. bronze, ivory and nickel were also a symbol of its status. All this reminds us of a world trade organization with its corresponding socio-economic structure and base.

This hypothesis is based on the analysis of certain seals with special characteristics. These seals have a number of common features, although they come from different parts of the world. Their homogeneous nature and universal role provoke experts to focus their opinions on the claim that their preparation and distribution was the responsibility of a controlling institution, which is due to the uniformity in their formation in every corner of the ancient world. Their commercial value and similarity, as well as their archaeological discovery in various parts of the world, support this theory.

Experts believe that such an organized body – a trade union – can be built on the basis of religion, as evidenced by the close links between merchants and the temples or monasteries that ensured the trade monopoly. This was a situation of mutually beneficial cooperation and interest of the state and the church. International trade, even when in transit, is a source of revenue for the royal treasury (as evidenced in the Old Testament books of 1 Kings 10:15; 1 Ezra 4:20). It is also a royal monopoly, dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. the Mesopotamian kings had their own trade caravans. A number of kings entered into contracts with large merchants for part of the profits (Babylon, Cyprus, Ugarit), and there was a group of “royal merchants” who carried out diplomatic orders.

In this context, experts accurately identify these stamps as the credit cards of man from antiquity and his trade. Their meaning was threefold: first, it was affirmative; second, they represented a kind of document; third, they were used as monetary means. After crossing dangerous roads and obstacles such as skirmishes with pirates and robbers, sales representatives showed each other their seals. This was considered a gesture of welcome and revealed the identities of both parties. Subsequently, these stamps were used as a means of authentication upon receipt of goods, a custom that is still preserved in the Middle East today. They were also given to traders as a token for the promised amount due for a transaction.

The seals were made mainly of precious and semi-precious stones. How exactly do minerals affect our body?

There are many controversies and opinions on this issue, but none of these opinions can completely deny their impact. The living organism (man) and the crystals (precious stones) are self-organizing systems, there are many similarities between them: the most important of them is that they react to external influences. Organisms receive energy from outside and transform it. Crystals also convert heat energy into electricity / tourmaline /, light – into coherent rays – a source of laser / ruby ​​/. Crystals constantly interact with the environment and send information. Ah, is there an information exchange between the crystal and man? Yes! And this is established through the phenomenon of biolocation / radioaesthesia /. Over 90% of people have biolocation abilities. Under strong pressure, the minerals from which the precious stones are made, emit an electric charge, and at not very high temperatures – and radiation; these are physical processes, and according to the experience of healers, the positive effect of crystals on humans is due to both these processes and their main mineral components. Gemstones are perceived as carriers of electromagnetic energy, which directly affects the processes in the body. Crystals create a balance of ions in the body and immediately around it, emit light frequencies and thus affect our body. Esoteric alternative medicine claims that gemstones interact with the body’s energy field through lasting contact with the skin. The importance of their color is added to the esoteric therapy with precious stones. It is perceived as the frequency of light, which directly affects the endocrine glands and biochemical processes in the body. At the same time, the colors, which are also the result of chemical processes, are attributed a reflex effect on the chemical metabolism in the body, and hence on the emotional states.

Putin Signs Law That Cause Moet’s Champagne Supply to Stop
Putin Signs Law That Cause Moet’s Champagne Supply to Stop
Putin Signs Law That Cause Moet’s Champagne Supply to Stop

According to the adopted amendments, the concept of “champagne” is allowed to be used only in relation to champagne produced in Russia, and importers must rename the product to “sparkling wine”

President Vladimir Putin signed a law that led to the suspension of shipments of champagne from Moet to Russia. The document was published on the portal of legal information.

This document provides for amendments to 171-FZ “On the regulation of alcoholic beverages”, which clarify the definitions and introduce additional requirements for wine products.

In particular, the wording “sparkling wine (champagne)” was replaced by the category “sparkling wine, including Russian champagne”. At the same time, the classification of protected geographical appellation (PGI) / protected appellation of origin (PRO) wines is carried out on the basis of the Russian national system for the protection of wine products, which applies only to Russian wines. Thus, the concept of “champagne” was allowed to be used only in relation to champagne produced in Russia.

Moet Hennessy has already warned about stopping shipments of champagne to Russia.

In connection with the adoption of these amendments, one of the largest champagne producers, Moet Hennessy, announced that it was suspending shipments to Russia for an indefinite period. Changes in the legislation will require the distribution division of the company “Moet Hennessy Distribution Rus” to recertify sparkling wines in order to change the category to sparkling wine and change the product labeling. As stated in her letter to Russian partners, the champagne producers “did not confirm their readiness to change the category of champagne wines for the Russian market.”

According to statistics, Russia annually imports about 50 million liters of imported sparkling and champagne wines, of which 13% is champagne from France. Moet Hennessy accounts for less than 2%.

The amendments clarify definitions and introduce additional requirements for wine products. In particular, they exclude the use of the concept of “champagne”, allowing it to be used only in relation to “Russian champagne” produced on the territory of Russia. “And oblige the producers of champagne wines from the French region of Champagne to rename their products to“ sparkling wine, ”explains Moet Hennessy in a letter.

Changes in legislation will require Moet Hennessy Distribution Rus to recertify sparkling wines in order to change the category to sparkling wine and change the product labeling. According to the company, mesons (champagne producers) “did not confirm their readiness to change the category of champagne wines for the Russian market.”

The Ministry of Finance (oversees the alcohol industry) and Rosalkogolregulirovanie and explained that the amendments are changing:

1. In the definition of the types of alcoholic products, the wording “sparkling wine (champagne)” has disappeared – it has been replaced by the category “sparkling wine, including Russian champagne”.

2. The classification of wines with protected geographical indication (PGI) / protected designation of origin (PRO) is carried out on the basis of the Russian national system for the protection of wine products, which applies only to Russian wines, which means that importers will not be able to use it. Champagne is the name for a sparkling wine produced and marketed under the protection of the Champagne AOC French appellation. But based on the amendments, Russian legislation will not take this “protection” into account.

A large lake suddenly disappeared in the ice of Antarctica
A large lake suddenly disappeared in the ice of Antarctica
A large lake suddenly disappeared in the ice of Antarctica

Australian scientist Roland C. Warner from the University of Tasmania and American researchers from Columbia and California Universities have recorded the rapid formation of a large ice caldera in the place of the Antarctic ice shelf where the lake used to be. The disappearance of a large freshwater reservoir is associated with the formation of cracks, due to which the water flows into the ocean. This is reported in an article published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Researchers analyzed satellite data from NASA’s ICESat-2 observations of the Amery Ice Shelf in eastern Antarctica in June 2019 (midwinter in the southern hemisphere). Tracking the height of the ice allows you to understand how the melt water that forms on the surface of the ice contributes to the formation of cracks and the collapse of glaciers. This process is projected to intensify significantly in the coming decades, with rapid changes in glacier surfaces due to melting not limited to the summer months.

It turned out that in the winter months of 2019, the glacier suddenly formed an uneven, crater-like depression (valley) with an area of ​​11 square kilometers and a depth of 80 meters in the place where an ice-covered lake with an area of ​​60 square kilometers used to be. The melt water stored in the natural reservoir dripped through fractured fractures into the ocean beneath the glacier, while the reduced load on the floating ice caused it to rise 36 meters into a bend.

Simulations have shown that changes in altitude correspond to a loss of 0.75 cubic kilometers of water. The following summer, scientists observed a short-term filling of the valley with melt water, which formed a narrow channel 20 meters wide and six meters deep in it.

Hydraulic fractures occur on the small ice shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula, where water melts in summer, seeps into microcracks, and freezes in winter, leading to ice cracking. However, this is rarely seen in glaciers, the thickness of which reaches 1400 meters, like Ameri. The explanation is that in recent decades, the melting of water has been more intense, which leads to the emergence of large and deep lakes. This increases the risk of large-scale fracturing, accelerating ice loss and sea level rise. At the same time, scientists are in no hurry to link the appearance and disappearance of the lake with climate change around Antarctica.

Ice shelves are formed by floating ice or are partially supported by ice. It is believed that the melting of such glaciers cannot lead to a rise in sea level, but this is not entirely true: seawater is 2.6 percent denser than the fresh water that makes up glaciers. Thus, the volume of seawater required to displace the floating ice shelf is slightly less than the volume of fresh water contained in the floating ice. The melting of all the world’s ice shelves will only raise sea levels by four centimeters, but the main threat from melting ice shelves is that it destabilizes the land-based Antarctic ice sheet.

Evacuation in the Philippines, there is a danger of a volcanic eruption
Evacuation in the Philippines, there is a danger of a volcanic eruption
Evacuation in the Philippines, there is a danger of a volcanic eruption

The awakening of Taalu in 1911 took the lives of more than 1,300 people.

Philippine authorities began evacuating thousands of people today after an alarm was raised over the eruption of an active volcano that ejected a column of gas and steam at a height of one kilometer, Reuters reported.

The alarm over the Taal volcano, about 70km south of the capital Manila, has been raised from third to second degree on a five-point scale, which according to the Seismology and Volcanology Service means that “magma injection” into the main crater “may lead to successive eruptions “.

Taal is one of the smallest active volcanoes in the world. Although it rises to 311 km above sea level, it can be deadly, and its eruption in 1911 took the lives of more than 1,300 people.

Foreign Ministry explained the absence of Russian media at Biden’s press conference
Foreign Ministry explained the absence of Russian media at Biden’s press conference
Foreign Ministry explained the absence of Russian media at Biden’s press conference

Zakharova commented on the absence of Russian journalists at Biden’s press conference, RIA Novosti reported.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova believes that Russian journalists were not present at the press conference of US President Joe Biden in Geneva, as the American side is afraid of uncomfortable questions.

A summit between Russia and the United States took place the day before. After him, the presidents held press conferences.

Representatives of foreign media attended the press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin. There were no Russian journalists at Biden’s press conference.

“It’s bad that the Americans didn’t let Russian journalists to their press conference … We had just American journalists in the forefront,” Zakharova said, speaking on RTVI.

Answering the question why Russian journalists were not allowed in, Zakharova said: “I think they are afraid of … uncomfortable questions.”

“The whole story is about non-censoring of the media space, lack of control over journalists, freedom … all theory, practice – that’s it!” she added.

“But not allowing Russian journalists to attend a separate conference on the American side or not inviting them in advance – that was their big loss, they were absolutely wrong,” Zakharova summed up.

Biden teaches American journalists optimism by criticizing their negativity about meeting with Putin.

US President Joe Biden criticized the American press for being negative about the summit with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. “You are negative,” Biden told reporters at Geneva airport before flying to the United States.

“To report, you have to be negative … You never ask positive questions,” the US President said.

“Guys, I don’t want to drive you crazy because I know you want negative views,” he added.

Biden stressed that he would not share with the press any further expectations or details of the meeting.