Repression against Christians in China is increasing

Persecution of Christians in China is increasing and spreading to Hong Kong, Release International has warned on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The Tiananmen massacre in Beijing on June 4, 1989 brought a brutal end to pro-democracy protests and marked an increase in…

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Covered in controversy: France’s bid to ban religious symbols imperils diversity at Paris 2024 Olympics

With the 2024 Paris Olympics fast approaching, a heated debate over religious symbols has erupted in France, pitting the country’s strict secularism against the religious freedoms of athletes. A recent report by Professor Rafael Valencia of the University of Seville warns that France’s…

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Pakistan’s Struggle with Religious Freedom: The Case of the Ahmadiyya Community

In recent years, Pakistan has grappled with numerous challenges concerning religious freedom, particularly regarding the Ahmadiyya community. This issue has once again come to the forefront following a recent decision by the Pakistan Supreme Court defending the right to free expression of…

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Fostering Unity and Celebrating Diversity, Scientology Representative Addresses European Sikh Organization Inauguration

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, August 24, 2023/ — In a display of interfaith collaboration Ivan Arjona Pelado, the President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs & Human Rights delivered a moving speech at the inauguration ceremony of the…

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actualites en français

Estados Unidos preocupado por la libertad religiosa en la Unión Europea de 2023

La libertad religiosa es un derecho humano fundamental y, si bien la Unión Europea (UE) es conocida por sus esfuerzos para promover esta libertad a nivel internacional, algunos de sus estados miembros aún se enfrentan a políticas discriminatorias que afectan a los grupos religiosos minoritarios. Mollie Blum, una…

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ONU alerta sobre aumento de actos de odio religioso

Oleada de odio religioso / En los últimos tiempos, el mundo ha sido testigo de un inquietante aumento de actos públicos y premeditados de odio religioso, en particular la profanación del Sagrado Corán en ciertos países europeos y otros. Durante el Quincuagésimo Tercer Período de Sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos,…

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Los Estados deben redoblar esfuerzos contra la intolerancia basada en la religión o las creencias

Más allá de las palabras, los seres humanos nos comunicamos a través de símbolos. Un anillo marca nuestro compromiso de casarnos. Una luz de colores nos indica que nos detengamos o avancemos. Los símbolos religiosos son mucho más profundos. Una media luna, una estrella, una cruz, una figura sentada: para algunos, estos pueden significar poco, pero para millones de personas tienen profundo…

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Tajikistan, Release of Jehovah’s Witness Shamil Khakimov, 72, after four years in prison

This morning, Tuesday 16 May, Jehovah’s Witness Shamil Khakimov, 72, was released from prison in Tajikistan after serving the full term of his four-year sentence. He had been imprisoned on spurious charges of “inciting religious hatred.” In reality, sharing his faith with…

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