The Romanian Church will canonize 16 new saints, three of whom are theology professors

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Patriarchate approved the proposals for the canonization of sixteen new saints, most of them confessors, martyrs and ascetics of the 20th century.

The 16 new saints include:

•Archimandrite Sofian Boghiu, abbot of St Anthimos Monastery in Bucharest, with…

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The Romanian Church creates a structure “Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine”

The Romanian Church, at the recent session of the Holy Synod decided to establish its jurisdiction on the territory of Ukraine, intended for the Romanian minority there.

The February 29 decision said: “to bless, encourage and support the initiatives of the Romanian Orthodox communities…

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More and more priests in Moldova are leaving the Russian Orthodox Church and moving to the Romanian Patriarchate

A large part of the Orthodox parishes of the ROC in Moldova left this jurisdiction and joined the Romanian Orthodox Church, which also has its own jurisdiction in the country.

During the past week, the founder and rector of the Chisinau Seminary and Theological Academy, Father Vyacheslav…

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