A founding meeting and a round table for the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy held in Kyiv

By Hristianstvo.bg

In “St. Sofia of Kiev” the Constituent Assembly of the public organization “Sofia Brotherhood” was held. The participants of the meeting elected the chairman of Archpriest Alexander Kolb and members of the Board of Directors of the brotherhood. The event was held…

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World Council of Churches Fails in Attempt to Hold Ukraine Round Table

The World Council of Churches (WCC) released a statement admitting that its months-long efforts to organize a Round Table on Ukraine had failed. The representatives of the SSC failed to convince representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and the two Orthodox churches in Ukraine to sit at…

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World Council of Churches Fails in Attempt to Hold Ukraine Round Table

The World Council of Churches released a statement admitting that its months-long efforts to organize Ukraine Round Table had failed.
The attempt by the World Council of Churches (WCC) to bring together around a round table the two Ukrainian Orthodox churches, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine…

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