Financial scandal in the Vatican: Cardinal was sentenced to prison

This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church

A cardinal was sentenced to prison by a Vatican court. This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, and the sentence was pronounced in a landmark case for a financial scandal involving…

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First resignation after scandal with ex-Nazi soldier welcomed in Canadian parliament

The Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, Anthony Rota, resigned because of the admission in the plenary hall of a former Nazi soldier and the words of praise addressed to him, the world agencies reported.

The incident in question happened during the visit of Ukrainian…

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El escándalo de Cleopatra se profundiza: Egipto exige miles de millones de dólares en compensación

Un equipo de abogados y arqueólogos egipcios exige que la empresa de streaming “Netflix” pague una indemnización de dos mil millones de dólares por la distorsión de la imagen de la reina Cleopatra y el Antiguo Egipto en la serie documental “Cleopatra”, la online. ..

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