United Against Discrimination, Scientologist Calls Out Germany at European Parliament

Speaking passionately last week at the European Parliament, Ivan Arjona, Scientology’s representative to European institutions, condemned worsening religious discrimination targeting his faith community specifically in Germany. He spoke at a conference bringing together Protestant, Muslim,…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Estados Unidos preocupado por la libertad religiosa en la Unión Europea de 2023

La libertad religiosa es un derecho humano fundamental y, si bien la Unión Europea (UE) es conocida por sus esfuerzos para promover esta libertad a nivel internacional, algunos de sus estados miembros aún se enfrentan a políticas discriminatorias que afectan a los grupos religiosos minoritarios. Mollie Blum, una…

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