Finland officially banned the purchase of property by Russian citizens

The Ministry of Justice of Finland approved last week a law that prohibits the sale of real estate to citizens who endanger the independence of Finland.

The document signed by the Minister of the Supreme Court has already been published.

The document says that the main purpose is to…

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Finland and Ireland Foster Inclusive Quality Education

Finland and Ireland have recently launched a project called “Fostering Inclusive Quality Education in Finland and Ireland ” which is a significant step towards promoting inclusive education. This initiative, funded by the European Union through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and…

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Hongo superinteligente que puede reemplazar el plástico

En la búsqueda de alternativas fascinantes al plástico, los investigadores en Finlandia pueden haber encontrado un ganador, y ya está creciendo en la corteza de los árboles. La sustancia en cuestión es un tipo de hongo conocido como Fomes fomentarius. Crece en la corteza podrida de los árboles y en el pasado era…

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