The First Christian Pentecost (II)

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Acts. 2:26 a.m. Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue rejoiced; and also my flesh shall rest in hope.

Acts. 2:27. Because You will not leave my soul in hell and You will not allow Your saint to see corruption.

“My flesh shall rest in hope, for Thou wilt not…

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The first Christian Pentecost (I)

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Chapter 2, Acts of the Apostles. 1 – 4. The first Christian Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. 5 – 13. The astonishment of the people. 14 – 36. Speech of the Apostle Peter. 37 – 45. The impact of the first sermon. 43 – 47. The…

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Apostle Peter heals the crippled

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Acts of the Apostles, chapter 3. 1 – 11. Saint Peter heals a crippled man from birth. 12 – 26. Speech on this occasion to the people.

Acts. 3:1. Peter and John ascended together into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer.

“At the ninth hour of prayer”…

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The questioning of the apostles before the Sanhedrin

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Acts of the Apostles, chapter 4. 1 – 4. The capture of Peter and John and consequences of Peter’s speech. 5 – 12. The questioning of the apostles before the Sanhedrin and their answer. 13 – 22. The bewilderment of the Sanhedrin and the release of the apostles….

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The Estonian Church differed from the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

Holy Synod of the Estonian Church cannot be accepted the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

The Holy Synod of the Estonian Orthodox Church, which is an autonomous church under the Moscow Patriarchate, issued a statement on April 2 that differed from the adopted…

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Poor Lazarus and the rich man

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Chapter 16. 1 – 13. The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. 14 – 31. The Parable of the Rich Man and the Poor Lazarus.

Luke 16:1. And he said to his disciples: a certain man was rich and had a steward, about whom it was brought to him that he squandered his…

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Un fragment unique du Nouveau Testament vieux de 1750 ans a été découvert au Vatican

C’est le seul vestige connu et le quatrième manuscrit à ce jour qui atteste d’une version en langue ancienne syriaque et offre un accès unique aux premières traductions de textes évangéliques Un chercheur de l’Académie autrichienne des sciences a découvert un fragment unique d’un 1750 ans- vieux…

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