After a long break, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Pre-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches was resumed

On September 16 and 17, the residence of the Coptic Patriarch in the monastery “St. Bishoy’, Wadi el-Natrun (i.e. the Nitrian Valley), hosted a meeting of representatives of the Orthodox Churches of the world with the pre-Chalcedonian or ancient Eastern Orthodox Churches. This comes after a…

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The rock monastery in Turkey shrouded in clouds, myths and legends

The monastery “Holy Virgin Sumela” rises 1200 meters above sea level.

The majestic building stands menacingly on the edge of the cliffs, its frescoes faded and distorted. The facade shows the deep traces of time and when the spires are enveloped by clouds, the monastery looks like an…

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Three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “free pilgrimage” to Russia

More than three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “pilgrimage” to Moscow, with all their expenses covered. The organization of the clergy took place on Viber, and as the sponsor of the entire event, Moldovan media named Ilon Shor – a former Moldovan politician and banker, sentenced to…

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The Tavorian Light and the Transfiguration of the Mind

By Prince Evgeny Nikolaevich Trubetskoy

On the occasion of the book by candle. P. A. Florensky “Pillar and Support of Truth” (Moscow: “Put”, 1914)


In the Gospel there is a wonderful image, personifying the unceasing division in the earthly life of mankind. On Mount Tabor, the…

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Transfiguration of Our Lord

By St. archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev), Sermon delivered in Sofia (Bulgaria) on the Feast of Transfiguration, 6th of August, in 1947.

Liturgical Holy Gospel: At that time Jesus took with Himself Peter, James and John, his brother, and led them alone to a high mountain; and was transfigured…

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The first Christian Pentecost (I)

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Chapter 2, Acts of the Apostles. 1 – 4. The first Christian Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. 5 – 13. The astonishment of the people. 14 – 36. Speech of the Apostle Peter. 37 – 45. The impact of the first sermon. 43 – 47. The…

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The leadership of Mount Athos requested additional information from the police about the action against “Esphigmen”

The Greek police have sent a letter to the Holy Kinotis (the community of representatives of the 20 Athos monasteries that make up the leadership of Mount Athos) asking for assistance in complying with a court order to release the Esphygmen Monastery, which has been held by schismatics for…

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Patriarch Bartholomew: To remain silent in the face of the cruelty of war is shameful!

“War is always destructive. To remain silent in the face of the cruelty of war is shameful! It is our duty and mission to protect and promote peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). With these words, His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew began his short address to…

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“Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” II

By prof. A. P. Lopukhin

19:25. At Jesus’ cross stood His mother and His mother’s sister, Maria Cleopova, and Mary Magdalene.

For Maria Magdalena and Maria Kleopova, see the interpretation to Matt. 20:20; Luke 8:2, 24:18. Here the evangelist paints us another picture, which is in sharp…

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Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will attend the summit in Switzerland

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will attend the summit, which will be held in Switzerland on June 15 and 16 and will be dedicated to the war in Ukraine. Heads and representatives of many countries around the world will participate in the international meeting, which will be held in Lucerne….

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Poor Lazarus and the rich man

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Chapter 16. 1 – 13. The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. 14 – 31. The Parable of the Rich Man and the Poor Lazarus.

Luke 16:1. And he said to his disciples: a certain man was rich and had a steward, about whom it was brought to him that he squandered his…

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The Romanian Church creates a structure “Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine”

The Romanian Church, at the recent session of the Holy Synod decided to establish its jurisdiction on the territory of Ukraine, intended for the Romanian minority there.

The February 29 decision said: “to bless, encourage and support the initiatives of the Romanian Orthodox communities…

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“Special attention to overcoming the challenges facing the Orthodox Church”

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan is visiting Serbia at the invitation of Serbian Patriarch Porfiry. The officially stated reason is the third anniversary of the election of Patriarch Porfiry. Obviously, this is only an occasion for the visit, which was not announced in the Macedonian media either…

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Priests to the Russian authorities: Do not be more cruel than Pilate

Russian clergy and believers have published an open appeal to the authorities in Russia calling for the body of politician Alexei Navalny to be handed over to his family.

The text of the address is published on the website of the Orthodox project “Peace for all”. The authors of the…

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Christianity is very inconvenient |

By Natalya Trauberg (interview given in the fall of 2008 given to Elena Borisova and Darja Litvak), <a href=””>Expert No. 19(657), May 18, 2009</a>

To be a Christian means to give up oneself in favor of one’s neighbor. This has…

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A founding meeting and a round table for the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy held in Kyiv


In “St. Sofia of Kiev” the Constituent Assembly of the public organization “Sofia Brotherhood” was held. The participants of the meeting elected the chairman of Archpriest Alexander Kolb and members of the Board of Directors of the brotherhood. The event was held…

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Christians in the Army |

Fr. John Bourdin

After the remark that Christ did not leave the parable “of resisting evil with force,” I began to be persuaded that in Christianity there were no soldier-martyrs executed for refusing to kill or take up arms.

I think this myth arose with the advent of the imperial…

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