Belgium pleased Zelensky: Ukraine will receive EUR 1.7 billion from the interest on frozen Russian funds

Belgian law allows such a procedure

Ukraine will receive 1.7 billion euros ($1.8 billion) in taxes on interest generated by Russian funds frozen after Moscow’s invasion, Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre De Croo said, as quoted by AFP.

The money will be provided to Kyiv in 2024,…

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An act of vandalism against the synagogue in Vienna, a 17-year-old girl took down the Israeli flag

Austrian media reported an act of vandalism committed against the main synagogue in the capital Vienna.

The identity of a 17-year-old girl who took part in the night of Friday to Saturday in removing the Israeli flag from the Jewish temple has now been established. The teenager has been…

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Why do we treat people as property of their tyrants?

By Hasanboy Burhanov – Founder of the political opposition movement Erkin O’zbekiston (Free Uzbekistan)
On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. He was aware that Mohammad bin…

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The presidential dog was kicked out of the White House for attacking security guards

At least 11 cases of bites have been recorded
The US President’s pet German shepherd Commander was kicked out of the White House after repeatedly biting his owner’s security guard. Exactly what fate awaits the dog is still being decided, as the president’s wife’s spokesperson told the…

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Churches help refugees after “ethnic cleansing” in Nagorno-Karabakh

By Evert van Vlastuin ( Really sad and really heavy. That is how pastor Craig Simonian responds to the moment that Nagorno-Karabakh is emptied of Armenians. “No one is left there.” For centuries, the Armenians lived there, he says. They built their lives there and buried their…

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actualites en français

European Unity in Focus: EP President Metsola Receives Prestigious In Veritate Award

Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament was honoured with the “2023 In Veritate Award” for her commendable efforts in integrating Christian and European ideals as reported by COMECE. The award ceremony took place on Friday, September 29 2023 during the XXIII International…

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actualites en français

European Unity in Focus: EP President Metsola Receives Prestigious In Veritate Award

Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament was honoured with the “2023 In Veritate Award” for her commendable efforts in integrating Christian and European ideals as reported by COMECE. The award ceremony took place on Friday, September 29 2023 during the XXIII International…

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First resignation after scandal with ex-Nazi soldier welcomed in Canadian parliament

The Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, Anthony Rota, resigned because of the admission in the plenary hall of a former Nazi soldier and the words of praise addressed to him, the world agencies reported.

The incident in question happened during the visit of Ukrainian…

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