Bulgaria will produce electric cars
Bulgaria will produce electric cars
Bulgaria will produce electric cars

The Minister of Economy Kiril Petkov and representatives of the German manufacturer of electric cars Next.e.GO signed a memorandum for the construction of a plant for the production of electric cars. The factory will be located on the site of the Balkan plant in Lovech and will have to operate for up to 2 years. The planned capacity is 20,000 cars per year, and the investor plans to seriously exceed this number.

The value of the investment is 140 million euros. In addition, the Bulgarian state does not commit to any preliminary financial incentives until the plant exceeds the bar of 10,000 cars produced.

“Not a single lev will be given until the production starts. Incentives will be given when they produce and sell 10,000 cars. The second stage is 20,000 cars. For the first time we are doing so that the Bulgarian state does not take risks. In the end. the incentives we will give will be much less than what we will receive as taxes “, Minister Petkov reported.

In particular – the state will give an incentive of 30 million euros when the capacity of the plant reaches 20,000 cars produced and sold annually, he said when asked by News.bg.

Bulgaria has been in competition with three other Balkan countries to attract the German automaker. Our advantage was not in the incentives we promised, but in the added value we offer, said the head of the economic department. And in particular – most of the suppliers are located in Bulgaria, and most importantly – many of the parts are produced again in our country.

“With another thing that attracted them – a promise of zero corruption. A promise that the state does not hinder them at any stage,” said Minister Petkov.

For now, the plans are to produce two models of the company in Lovech. However, the intention of the investor is to expand the portfolio significantly, but this will be done in stages, Ali Vesvai from the board of directors of the German automaker answered a question from News.bg.

A total of 602 companies from around the world have shown interest in our country, Petkov said. Of these, 129 have sent letters with direct investment intentions, 218 have expressed interest, and 255 want to explore possible cooperation.

“To my surprise, during these 5 weeks we received 602 letters from companies from all over the world,” boasted the head of the Bulgarian economic ministry.

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 – the genius of electricity and PR
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 – the genius of electricity and PR
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 – the genius of electricity and PR

Today, July 10, in the village of Smiljan in Austria-Hungary, today’s Croatia, Nikola Tesla was born – the man who, according to some, more or less “invents the twentieth century” and is the “patron saint” of modern electricity.

There is no other person in the history of science like Nikola Tesla, who has so captured the imagination of his contemporaries that to this day he is almost a mythological hero.

He is undoubtedly one of the pioneers in the history of electromagnetic technology. As an inventor, he was very prolific, with about 300 patents in at least 26 countries. He was just as remarkable as a person – eccentric, with an exceptional memory and bizarre habits.

These qualities make him a favorite of admirers of conspiracy theories and alternative scientific hypotheses. Many people are convinced that Nikola Tesla invented almost everything, and in the age of the Internet, more and more sites with fake stories fan Tesla’s mania and accumulate numerous myths.

He discovered alternating current, wireless power transmission, for the first time developed the principles of remote control, the basis of high-frequency current therapy, designed the transformer and the first electric clock and much more – there are more than three hundred patents for inventions in different countries. He invented radio before Marconi and Popov, received three-phase electricity before Dolivo-Dobrovolski. All modern electricity would be impossible without his discoveries.

No one disputes that Nikola Tesla was a great engineer. Nikola Tesla is a genius of electrical engineering, but most of all he is a genius of PR. Let it be clear that Tesla, although an influential inventor, was not a scientist. The basic laws of the physics of electricity were discovered not by him, but by Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Om and others. It’s just that Tesla manages to put these laws into practice.

Donbass is on the verge of an environmental disaster
Donbass is on the verge of an environmental disaster
Donbass is on the verge of an environmental disaster

Drinking water becomes dangerous

An environmental catastrophe threatens not only Crimea, but the entire territory of Donbass; the territory of central-eastern Ukraine may also be under threat in the future. But if in the case of the occupied peninsula the problems are related to the lack of drinking water, then there is water in the Donbass. Only using it will soon become hazardous to health, according to OBOZREVATEL.

The fact is that the abandoned and not mothballed mines of the war-torn Donbass are filled with toxic underground waters. Back in February, the OSCE noted that the mines that were used to store hazardous waste pose a particular threat to the environment. These are “Alexander-Zapad” in Gorlovka, “Young Communards” in Bunga, flooded by more than 60%. In total, 39 mines were flooded. Most of them were not mothballed by the terrorists.

Even the American television channel NBC News recently reported on the problem of toxicity in groundwater. The liquid filled with heavy metals and other toxic substances threatens to pollute not only drinking water from rivers and wells, but also the soil, making it unsuitable for agriculture. In addition, methane – a dangerous gas from mines – is pushed to the surface, which is fraught with earthquakes and explosions.

Experts interviewed by NBC News assured that Donbass was on the brink of an environmental disaster.

Pollution mainly comes from the Gorlovka, Gorlovka chemical plant, said the chief researcher of the Institute of Telecommunications and the Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yevgeny Yakovlev. According to him, we can safely talk about the water-ecological crisis. After all, what is supplied from local sources is just liquid, its quality as drinking water is very doubtful. In addition, the rise of groundwater can lead to possible earthquakes.

The region is really on the brink of disaster, Mikhail Yatsyuk, deputy director of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, also agreed. According to him, all mines should be in dry conservation, not wet. In addition, it is necessary to constantly pump out water, which no one is doing in the occupied Donbass now.

Meanwhile, water begins to interact with rocks, especially in deep mines, and form water quality. Then it, rising to the surface, begins to interact with groundwater, which are aquifers. And thus, drinking water is polluted.

According to Mikhail Yatsyuk, there are risks of water contaminated with hazardous metals not only for the Seversky Donets, but also for the basin of the main river of Ukraine – the Dnieper. After all, part of the tributaries that form Samara flow into the Dnieper, and their sources are in the Donbass.

Ukraine competes for first place in Europe in air pollution from coal energy

Ukraine produces 72% of all fly ash emissions in Europe, 27% sulfur dioxide and 16% nitrogen oxides

Air pollution statistics from coal energy show the contribution of a small number of European countries. Ukraine, Turkey and the Western Balkans ranked high on all types of pollutants, while EU countries such as Germany and Poland are also among the worst in terms of NOx pollution.

When coal is burned to generate electricity, pollutants are released into the air that pose a threat to human health and cause a large number of premature deaths. Since pollutants sometimes travel thousands of kilometers, air pollution from coal-fired energy is a problem across Europe, regardless of source.

This is stated in a new study by the international think tank EMBER.

Turkey and Ukraine are among the top three polluting countries for all types of air pollution. SO2 emissions from the top ten plants account for 44% of total SO2 emissions from coal-fired energy in Europe. The top ten SO2 ratings include three coal-fired power plants from Turkey and Serbia, two from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one each from Ukraine and North Macedonia. Most of the PM10 pollution from coal energy comes from power plants in Ukraine, eight of which are among the ten most polluting plants for PM10.

Air pollution is a mixture of gaseous and solid particles that pose a threat to human health and cause a large number of premature deaths. Pollutants are released into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources; including the energy, manufacturing, transport and agriculture sectors. Pollutants include particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).

In terms of PM10 emissions from coal-fired power plants, Ukraine is the leader by a wide margin. The main sources of SO2 pollution from coal energy in Europe are Ukraine (27%), Turkey (24%), Serbia (15%) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (11%). Turkey is also the leader with a 20% share of NOx emissions from coal energy, followed by Germany (16%), Ukraine (16%) and Poland (14%).

Nine plants of Ukraine are included in the top thirty of the NOx rating. In the top thirty, Turkey and Germany have six factories each, three from Poland and two from Serbia and Kosovo.

Eight power plants from Ukraine are present in all thirty of the rating: Kurakhovskaya, Burshtynskaya, Tripolskaya, Luganskaya, Uglegorskaya, Slavyanskaya, Ladyzhinskaya and Zaporozhskaya.

MEPs call for suspension of the launch of the Belarus nuclear plant in Ostrovets | News | European Parliament
MEPs call for suspension of the launch of the Belarus nuclear plant in Ostrovets | News | European Parliament
MEPs call for suspension of the launch of the Belarus nuclear plant in Ostrovets | News | European Parliament
  • Concerns over frequent emergency shutdowns and failures
  • Nuclear plant is located close to Baltic member states
  • Belarus must respect international standards for nuclear energy

MEPs voice serious concerns over the safety of the Ostrovets nuclear plant in Belarus and demand that its commercial launch be suspended.

In a resolution adopted with 642 votes to 29, with 21 abstentions, Parliament criticises the hasty commissioning of the Ostrovets nuclear plant and the continued lack of transparency and official communication regarding the frequent emergency shutdowns of the reactor and equipment failure.

Despite outstanding safety concerns, the plant started to generate electricity on 3 November 2020 without fully implementing recommendations made in the 2018 EU peer review and by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), MEPs say, expressing their discontent with the rush to start commercial operation of the plant in March 2021.

They call on the Commission to work closely with the Belarusian authorities to delay launching the plant until all EU stress test recommendations are fully implemented and all the necessary safety improvements are in place.

MEPs also urge Belarus to fully comply with international nuclear and environmental safety standards, and to cooperate with international authorities in a transparent manner.


The Ostrovets nuclear plant, built by the Russian group Rosatom, is located 50km from Vilnius (Lithuania) and in close proximity to other EU countries such as Poland, Latvia and Estonia.

Electricity stopped being traded between Belarus and the EU on 3 November when the Ostrovets plant was connected to the electricity grid. This followed the August 2020 joint decision of the Baltic States to cease commercial exchanges of electricity with Belarus once the Ostrovets plant started operating. However, MEPs note that electricity from Belarus can still enter the EU market via the Russian grid.