1 million French people made an appointment for a vaccine after Macron’s address
1 million French people made an appointment for a vaccine after Macron’s address
1 million French people made an appointment for a vaccine after Macron’s address

Nearly 1 million French people have booked an appointment for a vaccine after last night’s address by the president.

Emmanuel Macron announced that immunization or a negative test would be required in a week to enter a restaurant or cinema.

Social life in the first place – this is shown by the 920 thousand reservations for the first needle in just one day.

To boost the motivation of the unvaccinated, Macron also announced that PCRs will no longer be as free as before. And gave health workers until September 15 to be immunized. An obligation that not everyone accepts.

“We are becoming a dictatorship, we are being forced to do things we don’t want to do,” said Sandra Barona, a caregiver at a nursing home.

Authorities are trying to stimulate vaccination to avoid a fourth wave of the virus in the fall.

Do not cross the line – 9 signs that you have a problem with alcohol
Do not cross the line – 9 signs that you have a problem with alcohol
Do not cross the line – 9 signs that you have a problem with alcohol

The initial phase of addiction is easy to ignore

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if alcohol consumption is within normal limits or has already crossed the line and is approaching addiction. We offer you an expert opinion on what to watch out for so that alcohol does not become a real problem.

The initial phase of addiction is easy to ignore and later becomes much more difficult to deal with. Experts point to nine signs that alcohol is becoming a problem for you. If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, it may be time to take action.

1. Drink more than you planned

If you regularly promise not to drink more than a few glasses at a party, but you can’t control yourself and stop in time, it’s time to think. This is an early warning signal.

2. Increase the dose

The “usual” dose of alcohol no longer affects you as it used to. You need to drink a lot more to achieve the desired effect. Your brain adapts to alcohol over time and may become less sensitive to its effects.

3. Sometimes you crave a drink

There are times when you crave a drink so much that you can’t think of anything else until you drink something. This strong need or urge can be caused by people, places, things, emotions or hours of the day that remind you to drink.

4. The hangover disrupts your plans

Of course, this can happen to anyone, but if you come from time to time with a hangover, cancel appointments, miss appointments or stay up late for school for a drink the day before, this becomes a problem.

5. Your entertainment is based on alcohol use

In your free time you are not very attracted to non-alcoholic entertainment and meetings with non-drinkers and you can not imagine a weekend without a glass of wine. If so, it’s time to change something in your habits.

6. You are familiar with the symptoms of withdrawal

As the effects of alcohol disappear, you may have trouble sleeping, shivering, irritability, anxiety, depression, nausea or sweating. Alcohol changes your brain chemistry and when you drink a lot for a long period of time, your brain tries to adapt. If you suddenly stop drinking, your brain needs to adapt again, causing these withdrawal symptoms.

7. Your loved ones are worried

Drinking has caused you problems with family or friends. Hide alcohol or drink secretly so as not to upset loved ones. This is a common symptom of the early stages of addiction and a signal to change your habits.

8. You get into dangerous situations

Alcohol has put you in risky situations such as driving, swimming, fighting, dangerous sex or walking in a dangerous area. Even if nothing bad happened, it is a warning sign.

9. You don’t look well

Puffiness and bags under the eyes, dull skin and “wrinkled” appearance may be associated with dehydration or high stress on the liver caused by alcohol consumption.

Each of these signs can signal an alcohol problem. It’s time to start thinking about reducing alcohol or not at all.

It may be worth seeking help from a doctor or psychologist.

Councillor Giulio Gandolfi thanked Say No to Drugs volunteers in Milano
Councillor Giulio Gandolfi thanked Say No to Drugs volunteers in Milano
Councillor Giulio Gandolfi thanked Say No to Drugs volunteers in Milano

The Drug-Free World volunteers from the Church of Scientology Milano reach out to youth with the Truth About Drugs campaign.

Volunteers from the Church of Scientology Milano teamed up with Milan Transportation Association (ATM) to promote the value of an active, drug-free lifestyle. 

Volunteers from the Church of Scientology Milano bring the truth about drugs to their city.
Volunteers from the Church of Scientology Milano bring the truth about drugs to their city.

ATM’s BikeMi, the city’s bike-sharing program, offered these Drug-Free World volunteers the use of bicycles free of charge to promote their Truth About Drugs initiative.

The day’s activities launched from the Church courtyard at Viale Fulvio Testi, 327. Councillor Giulio Gandolfi thanked the volunteers for bringing this important message to the community and signed their “Say No to Drugs” Honor Roll in support of the initiative.

Councilor signs pledge
In the courtyard of the Church of Scientology Milano, Councillor Giulio Gandolfi signed the “Say No to Drugs” Honor Roll.

Twenty volunteers took off from the Church by bicycle, wearing their signature teal Truth About Drugs T-shirts and caps. They rode through the city, handing out Truth About Drugs booklets in high-traffic areas in support of this year’s UN Office on Drugs and Crime theme for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: “Share Facts on Drugs: Save Lives.” 

Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. The Foundation’s Truth About Drugs campaign consists of drug education materials and activities that popularize drug-free living.

at castle
The drug prevention bike tour ended at Castello Sforzesco, a popular destination for tourists and residents, where volunteers handed out Truth About Drugs booklets.

Scientology Churches provide drug education specialist training, sponsor chapters of Foundation for a Drug-Free World, and work with local educators, police, churches and nonprofits to reach youth on this vital subject. 

To make these materials available to anyone wishing to tackle the drug crisis, the Church of Scientology International Dissemination and Distribution Center in Los Angeles, California, produces and ships out Truth About Drugs booklets, DVDs and education packages free of charge to parents, educators, law enforcement, community groups and nonprofits for their drug prevention activities.

The Church of Scientology Milano is an Ideal Scientology Church, dedicated in 2015 by Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. In addition to providing ideal facilities to service Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual awareness and freedom, the Church sponsors humanitarian programs and serves as a home for the community and a meeting place of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations.

The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.

Source: https://www.scientologynews.org/press-releases/taking-to-the-streets-to-promote-active-and-drug-free-living.html

Boosting the EU’s capacity to anticipate and respond to health crises
Boosting the EU’s capacity to anticipate and respond to health crises
Boosting the EU’s capacity to anticipate and respond to health crises

News | European Parliament

MEPs outline how the EU should strengthen crisis prevention, preparedness and response when addressing future serious cross-border health threats.

The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) adopted on Tuesday, with 67 votes in favour, 10 against and one abstention, a draft negotiating position for a new regulation on tackling serious cross-border health threats. The text will be voted by all MEPs during September’s plenary session.


Enhanced cooperation and transparency of joint procurement

The COVID-19 crisis revealed further work at the EU level is needed to support cooperation between member states, in particular border regions, say MEPs. They call for clear procedures and increased transparency for EU joint procurement activities and related purchase agreements. Joint procurement should be used to strengthen the negotiating position of participating countries, improve the security of supply and ensure equitable access to medical products, MEPs add.


A transversal vision of health

In the approved text, MEPs call for a “One Health” multi-sectoral approach that, in order to tackle future public health threats, needs to recognise human health as connected to animal health and the environment. In addition, MEPs want to ensure that, alongside monitoring communicable diseases, the monitoring of the impact of these pathogens on non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes and mental illness, is also part of EU public health policy.


Better representation of stakeholders and involvement of Parliament

A newly established Health Security Committee, comprising national representatives to discuss political and technical topics, should also involve relevant EU agencies, such as the European Medicines Agency and the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Agencies’ representatives, as well as representatives of the European Parliament, should attend committee meetings as observers, according to MEPs. Their text calls for wider consultation of public health experts, international organisations and healthcare professionals.



“With this report, we strengthen the Commission proposal, allowing the EU to better prevent and respond to any kind of future public health threats. Beyond infectious diseases, the Union is currently not protected enough against environmental, food, biological, chemical or other threats”, said Rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir (Renew, FR). “Our priority must be to guarantee health solidarity by reducing health inequalities within member states and beyond Europe.” she added.



As part of building a European Health Union, the Commission proposed on 11 November 2020 a new health security framework fit for future health challenges, based on lessons learnt from combatting the coronavirus, which includes a proposal for a regulation on serious cross-border threats to health.

Oxford: A third dose of AstraZeneca protects even more
Oxford: A third dose of AstraZeneca protects even more
Oxford: A third dose of AstraZeneca protects even more

A third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at Oxford University and AstraZeneca has elicited a strong immune response, Reuters reported, citing a study by scientists.

The authors of the study emphasize that so far there is no evidence that a third dose is needed to boost the immune response, especially given the lack of vaccines in some countries.

A study by the University of Oxford found that a third dose of the vaccine boosted immune protection with antibodies and T-cells, with the second dose being delayed by up to 45 weeks and also triggering a strong immune response.

The British government has announced that it is considering a plan for a vaccination campaign in the autumn to strengthen protection, after three-fifths of the country’s adult population has already been immunized with two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Oxford Vaccine Group Director Andrew Pollard said the evidence that the vaccine protects against the now-widespread variants of the new coronavirus for some time means that a booster third dose is unlikely to be needed.

“However, we must be able to strengthen the defense if this proves necessary … but we have no evidence that this will be necessary,” he told reporters.

“For now, with the high level of protection among the UK population and no evidence that it is being lost, it is not acceptable to give a third dose in the UK while other countries have not been vaccinated at all,” he said.

Previous studies have shown that the vaccine, invented at Oxford University and licensed by AstraZeneca, is more effective if the second dose is taken on the twelfth week after the first, instead of four weeks after it.

The study, announced Monday before its official release, was conducted among 30 people who received a late second dose and 90 people who received a third dose. All participants are over 55 years old.

The results alleviate concerns that vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson may lose their effect if annual immunizations are needed because of the risks that the body reacts against the vector that imports the genetic information into the vaccine.

“There were some concerns that we would not be able to use this vaccine with a booster vaccination regimen, and the study data definitely do not indicate this,” study author Teresa Lamb of the Jenner Institute at Oxford University told Reuters.

Turkey is administering a third dose of vaccine from 1st Jully
Turkey is administering a third dose of vaccine from 1st Jully
Turkey is administering a third dose of vaccine from 1st Jully

People over the age of 50, as well as health personnel in Turkey, will be able to book a vaccination schedule from Thursday to receive their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Health Minister Fahretin Koca said last night.

After the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council for Coronavirus in the country, Koja stressed the importance of vaccination to achieve national immunization against COVID-19.

This is because the Chinese Sinovac vaccine has a shorter duration of action against Covid-19. It is assumed that 6 months after the first two doses, the level of antibodies begins to decrease. At the beginning of the immunization campaign in January, Turkey had only this vaccine and it was given to the elderly and healthcare workers.

Turkey is entering a new phase of normalization today, removing almost all restrictions related to COVID-19, including the night curfew and the ban on leaving home on Sunday, which have been in force for a year.

The government and President Erdogan have decided to lift the restrictions amid a steady decline in daily virus cases and the progress of the vaccination process.

Cafes and restaurants now have the right to serve people without a limit on the number of guests indoors and outdoors. The only condition will be that the music is stopped at midnight. For now, the nightclubs will only be open until midnight. This restriction has been widely criticized on social media, and a number of experts say it has nothing to do with measures against the coronavirus.

On this issue, Health Minister Kodja said: “We want to remove all restrictions. This ban will also be lifted over time. “

All public places and cinemas that had closed due to coronavirus measures will reopen.

Festivals, youth camps and open-air concerts will be allowed without restrictions on spectators, while there will be special rules for indoor venues.

In addition, Health Minister Fahretin Koca announced on June 29th that sports matches could be held with a limited number of fans and in accordance with COVID-19 safety measures.

Outdoor wedding ceremonies are allowed, subject to the rules of social distancing, and people and group dancing are prohibited. Ceremonies in wedding halls will be subject to the “one person at least 6 square meters” indoor rule, although the number of guests will not be limited. Outdoor picnic areas will be open, with a limit of four people per square meter and social distance between people.

The requirement to wear masks indoors and outdoors remains.

Koca also informed that the Delta variant of COVID-19 has been found in 26 provinces of the country.

“The total number of cases with this option registered in Turkey is 224, 134 of which are in Istanbul,” the minister said.

As for the vaccination campaign, the minister noted that 25 percent of the population over the age of 18 has already been vaccinated.

Turkey now has enough vaccines to carry out immunizations, he added.

To date, the country has administered over 49 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Over 34 million people received the first, while over 15 million people received both doses.

500 infected after a study trip to the Balearic Islands in Spain
500 infected after a study trip to the Balearic Islands in Spain
500 infected after a study trip to the Balearic Islands in Spain

A concert at the Bullring in Palma de Mallorca and boat parties at nine hotels sparked a coronavirus outbreak that affected more than 500 students during a study trip to the Balearic Islands.

However, the local government issued a statement that the islands remain one of the safest destinations in Spain.

The government is adamant that the fine for violators will be between 60,000 and 600,000 euros, depending on the judge’s decision after the trial is over.

“We will not allow the recklessness of the few and those who benefit from it to jeopardize human life and the economic recovery of the region,” said Balearic Prime Minister Francina Armengol, urging all citizens to remain vigilant and to comply with health protection because, she said, never since the outbreak of the pandemic has the region been closer to normal than it is now.

She thanked the police, who protected the concert, as it was only allowed if those present were wearing masks and sitting on their chairs without getting up or dancing.

The Ministry of Health has begun checking all employees of the hotels where the students were staying to see if there were any infected people who could chain-infect their families and friends.

Legal action will also be taken against travel agencies that have organized trips in which safety measures have been violated.

Calculating the risk of dementia
Calculating the risk of dementia
Calculating the risk of dementia

Canadian scientists have invented an online calculator that calculates the risk of developing dementia for people over 55 years of age.

With the help of development, filling in data about their lifestyle, people receive information on how to reduce the risk of developing dementia. The information needed concerns a person’s health, diet, stress levels, as well as education and social status.

The creators of the calculator work at the University of Ottawa and practice at the local hospital. They are adamant that by using this innovation in medical diagnostics, people will not need the research that is currently being applied.

Dementia is not treatable, so it is important that people at risk are informed in a timely manner. Lifestyle changes could reverse the prognosis for dementia.

The calculator is available at: https://www.projectbiglife.ca/dementia.

ProjectBigLife.ca offers other tools to assess your own risk of disease.

How to painlessly give up sugar?
How to painlessly give up sugar?
How to painlessly give up sugar?

More than a third of the calories we eat are from sugar or white flour. Our body can not cope with such a huge load and it is worth thinking about how to completely eliminate these harmful carbohydrates from our menu.

Why is sugar harmful?

Sugar provokes many problems in the body, namely:

• decreased immunity

• autoimmune diseases

• heart disease

• diabetes

• irritable bowel syndrome

• chronic fatigue

• candidiasis

Studies show that one of the main reasons for reduced immunity is the fact that sugar prevents the penetration of vitamin C into white blood cells, which then suppress immunity. The more sugar you consume, the less productive your leukocytes are and therefore, the weaker their immune activity.

In addition, sugar stimulates the secretion of insulin in the pancreas, which in turn stimulates the production of triglycerides in the liver.

Nutritionists offer several steps to gradually give up sugar, the implementation of which should become a habit.

1. Eat regularly

Ideally, you should stick to 5 meals a day or 3 full meals + 2 snacks. Many people have a drop in blood sugar and this provokes a desire to consume something sweet and high in calories.

2. Choose whole foods

The closer the product is to its original form, the less processed sugar it contains. Fruits and vegetables usually do not cause metabolic problems, especially when consumed properly.

Start your day with protein, fat and phytonutrients.

Smoothies are ideal for this purpose. A typical breakfast, rich in carbohydrates and sweet or starchy foods, is the worst option, because then you will feel the urge to consume sugar all day.

3. Add spices to your food

Coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and cardamom – all these spices will naturally sweeten your food and reduce your appetite.

4. Include in your diet a quality multivitamin and mineral supplement, vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids

Nutrient deficiencies can increase appetite, and the lower the nutrient deficiency, the less the desire to eat. Several nutrients, including chromium, vitamin B3 and magnesium, improve blood sugar control.

5. Move more

Practice, dance or practice yoga. An active lifestyle can help reduce stress, increase your energy and reduce the need to recharge with sugar.

6. Sleep more

When we feel tired, we often reach for sugar, which is a source of energy.

7. Detoxify your body

After detoxification reduces not only appetite but also the desire to consume sugar.

8. Don’t ignore emotional issues

Often behind our desire to eat sweet foods lies our emotional needs.

9. Be careful with the hidden sugar in the food

Remember that all sweeteners: corn syrup, corn sugar, corn syrup with fructose, sucrose, dextrose, honey, molasses and brown sugar, are just harmful sugar. Avoid all these substances in the foods you buy.

10. Drink plenty of water

Sometimes thirst is masked by a feeling of hunger, so the more water you drink, the less craving for sweets you will have.

Turkish test for COVID gives 99% accuracy and is ready in a minute
Turkish test for COVID gives 99% accuracy and is ready in a minute
Turkish test for COVID gives 99% accuracy and is ready in a minute

Turkey has begun mass production of a new test developed in the country, which with 99 percent accuracy detects the presence of a coronavirus in just 10 seconds, Turkish private television CNN-Turk reported.

The coronavirus detection system, called Diagnovir, is based on nanotechnology and has already passed reliability tests.

According to the rector of Bilkent University, who developed the project, Prof. Abdullah Atalar, the new system, which quickly gives reliable results, can take the place of previous PCR tests.

He pointed out that various institutions from all over the world are interested in her, including the German Football League.

“We believe that this is a system without an analogue in the world,” added Prof. Atalar.

If the result of the test with “Diagnovir” is positive, then it takes only 5-10 seconds to read. It takes 20-30 seconds to confirm a negative result, Turkish scientists explained.

Another blow against AstraZeneca! Ban on a whole continent
Another blow against AstraZeneca! Ban on a whole continent
Another blow against AstraZeneca! Ban on a whole continent

Australia will abolish the Vaxzevria vaccine from the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca by the end of 2021, said the head of the government’s COVID-19 task force, Lieutenant General John Fruen.

According to him, the vaccine “AstraZeneca” will be phased out of the national vaccination program and will be discontinued in Australia, as its use is prohibited for people under 60 years of age due to side effects.

“Everyone who still qualifies for the AstraZeneca vaccine will receive it by the fourth quarter of this year, and more Pfizer and Moderna products will be added to the national program,” Fruen told reporters online.

The head of the plant also noted that from October 2021, the authorities plan to inject up to 2.3 million people a week with the drug of the American company “Pfizer”, developed jointly with the German “BioNTech”.

The vaccine from the US company Moderna is expected to arrive in Australia in the second half of September, and between 87,000 and 125,000 Australians will receive it each week in October.

Since the spread of the new coronavirus in Australia, just over 30,000 cases of infection have been identified, with 910 patients dying. In March 2020, the country’s authorities closed their entry and exit borders and imposed strict sanitary restrictions, which were lifted last July. Australia’s state border remains closed by decision of the government.

On February 22, 2021, a vaccination campaign began in Australia. To date, more than 6.86 million (out of 25.6 million) people in the country have received at least one dose of vaccine, and about 720,000 Australians have received full vaccination.

More than 5 million people became millionaires during the pandemic
More than 5 million people became millionaires during the pandemic
More than 5 million people became millionaires during the pandemic

More than five million people worldwide became millionaires in 2020, despite the damage COVID-19 has done to economies. That’s according to a study commissioned by Credit Suisse and published by the BBC.

Statistics show that despite the impoverishment of most people, more than 1% of the world’s population earned its first million just last year.

Researchers conclude that the acquisition of wealth appears to be “completely detached” from the economic problems caused by the pandemic.

Billionaires have also increased – 9 new ones are just vaccines!

Covid-19 vaccines alone created 9 new billionaires, it became clear in May. Almost all the super-rich are scientists from the big pharmaceutical companies. Their total financial situation is nearly 19 and a half billion dollars. They were called “health billionaires.”

The ranking is headed by Stefan Bansel – CEO of the pharmaceutical company “Modern”. According to Forbes magazine, his financial situation is already 4 billion and 300 million dollars.

Second on the list of $ 4 billion in wealth is Bayontek founder Ugur Shahin.

Third on the list of new billionaires are the three founders of the Chinese vaccine company CanSino Bio. Each of them already owns over $ 1 billion.

There is also an increase in the income of the main investors of “Modern” – the immunologist Timothy Springer and the scientist Robert Langer.

Bayontek founder Ugur Shahin is already among the 500 richest people in the world. In a year, his wealth has jumped by nearly 250 percent.

Nearly 5,000 clerics and monks have contracted the coronavirus in the ROC
Nearly 5,000 clerics and monks have contracted the coronavirus in the ROC
Nearly 5,000 clerics and monks have contracted the coronavirus in the ROC

“The Russian Orthodox Church is always where it is difficult”

said once Vladimir Putin, emphasizing the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in difficult modern conditions

At present, 101 clergymen, monks and nuns of the ROC are being treated for a coronavirus infection, the working group of Moscow Patriarch Kirill announced on June 9. Among the sick are nine clergymen from Moscow, 56 clergymen from other Russian dioceses and 36 people living in the Stavropigial monasteries.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, according to official data, 4,950 priests and monks of the ROC have fallen ill, including 424 from Moscow parishes. 165 are dead. Among the latest victims of the disease is Archbishop Eleutherius of Shymkent in Kazakhstan, who died on June 4 at the age of 68.

The Ukrainian-born bishop has spent his entire clerical career in the Kazakh city of Shymkent. He was initially ordained a deacon and a priest by the married clergy, and in 1987 he received a monastic vow and continued his career as a clergyman of the “black” clergy with the possibility of episcopal ordination.

In June, in ten days only, the Russian Orthodox Church lost two prominent bishops in Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

On June 18, 2021, Metropolitan Mitrofan of Luhansk and Alchevsk, chairman of the external department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), died at the age of fifty-nine.

He was born in 1962 in Belogorye, Khmelnytsky region, western Ukraine. He was tonsured a monk at the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Russia in 1990, where he was ordained a clergyman of the ROC. He completed his theological education at the Orthodox Department of the Christian Academy in Warsaw, Poland. He then became a brother of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and since 1994 has been a lecturer at the Kiev Theological Academy, which was rebuilt in 1992 (closed by the Bolsheviks in 1919). In 2012 he was appointed Archbishop of Luhansk and Alchevsk, and in 2014 he was promoted to the rank of Metropolitan. Recently, Mitr. Mitrofan suffered a heart attack, which is associated with his death.

Archbishop Alexander of Baku and Azerbaijan, head of the Orthodox Church in the former Soviet Caucasus republic, died on June 10 at the age of 60. He was born in 1952 in Yaroslavl, graduated from the Institute of Chemical Pharmacy in Moscow and then – the Moscow Theological Seminary. He became associated with spiritual elders in the North Caucasus, where he became a monk and cleric of the ROC in North Ossetia. Since 1988, he has served as an archimandrite in Baku, where he has developed educational and charitable activities and affirmed the Orthodox faith among the local population of Christian origin. He managed to keep a number of churches from closing in the 1990s, when inter-religious tensions in Azerbaijan escalated. In January 1999 he was ordained a bishop and became the first Orthodox bishop of this Caucasian country. He maintains good relations with the authorities and continues to rebuild and build temples. Establishes homage to St. Apostle Bartholomew, who according to legend suffered for Christ in ancient Albanopol (located in the vicinity of the capital Baku), organizing celebrations with processions, which bring together Orthodox clergy from all over the country. In 2012 he was promoted by St. Synod of the ROC in the rank of archbishop.

Church leaders back global vaccine campaign
Church leaders back global vaccine campaign
Church leaders back global vaccine campaign

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia was vaccinated against the coronavirus, as it became known today by the Russian agency  Interfax.

“His Holiness the Patriarch was vaccinated in March with one of the domestic vaccines. He is feeling well,” Vladimir Legoida, the head of the Synodal Department for Russian Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Media, told the Russian news agency today.

Legoida also pointed out that many priests and high priests of the Russian Church are currently being vaccinated.

The Vatican began its program of vaccination on 13 January 2021, starting with the elderly and others in high-risk categories in the Paul VI Hall in Vatican City. As already noted by the Governorate’s Directorate of Health and Hygiene, priority is bein.

Matteo Bruni, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, has confirmed Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI received their first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in the Vatican.

Citizens of Vatican City State, along with employees and pensioners will have the opportunity to receive the vaccination, as will family members who are entitled to use of the Vatican health care system, FAS (Fondo Assistenza Sanitaria). The campaign is entirely voluntary. Young people under the age of 18 are for the time being excluded, as studies including this age group have not yet been completed.“

Pope Francis had announced during an interview with Italian television station Tg5 that he planned to receive the vaccine this week.

The Pope referred to the vaccination as “an ethical action, because you are gambling with your health, you are gambling with your life, but you are also gambling with the lives of others.”

Private Secretary to Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, Bishop Georg Gaenswein, had also confirmed to Vatican News that the Pope emeritus would be vaccinated.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is encouraging people and congregations to donate and to spread the word in the community, as a practical demonstration of Jesus’s command to love our neighbour.

The Church of England is supporting the ‘VaccinAid’ campaign which aims to help fund the biggest vaccination drive in history.

Archbishop Welby, who has already expressed his gratitude for the UK’s £548-million donation to the COVAX programme, said inJanuary 2021 that individuals, churches, and parishes could now contribute.

“The Covid-19 crisis has had a profound impact on people here and around the world, but vaccines offer the hope of a brighter future,” he said. “I’m delighted that churches and other faith groups in the UK are supporting the VaccinAid campaign. There is no better way to show our deep gratitude for the gifts of science and medicine than making sure vulnerable people around the world are also given a shot.

“At the heart of the Christian faith is Christ’s call to love our neighbour: keeping one another safe from this terrible disease is part of living that out. I encourage people to donate whatever they can, so we can build a better world together.”


One April afternoon in 1897, thousands of women gathered at the Boston Theater to see the most captivating lady entrepreneur in the United States, a 45-year-old former housewife whose personal branding talent could rival that of any celebrity on Instagram today. . Her name is Madame Yale. For several hours and numerous dress changes, she preached her “Religion of Beauty”, telling the audience about the most beautiful women in history – a group that includes Helen of Troy, the Roman goddess Diana and apparently Madame Yale herself.

This event is her 11th public appearance in Boston in recent years, and in addition to words about beauty, it also includes various lotions and decoctions – products that Yale, of course, sells – which she says have turned her from a fat and exhausted woman in the beauty of the stage. And indeed: her tall, hourglass-shaped figure is dressed in white silk, and her blond curls fall around her heart-shaped pink-cheeked face. The applause is thundering. The Boston Herald praises her “proposal for health and beauty” in a country where “every woman wants to be good and look good.”

Madame Yale has been making similar public presentations about beauty throughout the country since 1892, presenting herself in a way very familiar to consumers today. She is a true pioneer in what business gurus call wellness – which costs about $ 4.5 trillion worldwide today – and this achievement alone is enough to draw her attention.

Day after day, online, in the press, on television and on social media, women are flooded with ads for wellness products that promise to fix the skin and digestion, hair and mood seemingly at once. Madame Yale, born Maude Mayberg in 1852, used the same techniques more than a century ago. In fact, she is the spiritual godmother of Gwyneth Paltrow, who founded the $ 250 million Goop Corporation.

Like other gurus, Madame Yale is an attractive blonde woman – “as beautiful as a woman can be,” says New Orleans Picayune and “the most beautiful woman known on Earth since Helen of Troy,” according to the Buffalo Times. Madame Yale became famous during a boom for women entrepreneurs in the field of beauty, shortly before Elizabeth Arden and Estee Lauder, whose makeup empires are still alive today. But Madame Yale differs from these tycoons by promising to transform women from the inside out, instead of helping them hide their imperfections on the façade. This in itself is a genius trick: Since wearing visible makeup remains a questionable moral choice during this period, many women flock to Yale’s product offerings in hopes of becoming so naturally flawless that they don’t need to paint their faces. In the 1990s, her business was valued at $ 500,000 – about $ 15 million in today’s money.

In the archives of the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum, among yellowed ads for cocaine-soaked toothache drops and opium-soaked tampons, we find a worn-out promotional brochure about Yale’s core business, Fruitcura, the product she advertises most widely. . Madame Yale says she came across the elixir during a dark period in her life – when “my cheeks were sunken, my eyes were hollow and expressionless, and my complexion looked hopelessly pale. Her clients make “sincere and casual” comments in the brochures. One woman wrote that “I suffered from women’s troubles for more than 10 years, was in the hospital and was treated by some of the best doctors, but I did not receive constant relief until I started taking your medication.”

In the late 19th century, medical experts – almost exclusively men – were largely helpless in what could only be described as an epidemic of acute malaise among women, according to Complaints and Disorders: Sexual Policy in Sickness, a story published by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English in 1973.

Especially wealthy women complain of endless malaise, seizures and inability to eat, loss of femininity with advancing age, marriage and childbirth. In response, doctors often attribute their physical complaints to psychological illnesses and say that too much activity in a woman’s mind can lead to uterine dysfunction. They are prescribed endless bed rest.

White cakes and ice cream – poisonous
White cakes and ice cream – poisonous
White cakes and ice cream – poisonous

Titanium dioxide is most commonly used in white icing and cream, which are added to cakes. The EC They do not change DNA – there are no such indications. This process is physically impossible – titanium dioxide is insoluble in water.

Studies show that titanium dioxide carries a carcinogenic risk and impairs reproductive function.

The additive E171 can no longer be considered safe for use in food. This is stated in a report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which refers to research and data.

It is E171 or titanium dioxide, which is used for bleaching mainly in the food industry: in bread, powdered milk, and most often in confectionery, especially in white icing, cream, chewing gum, ice cream and others. Although the evidence for the toxic effects of the additive is not conclusive, the EFSA assessment suggests that the possibility of titanium dioxide-containing nanoparticles being genotoxic cannot be ruled out.

Genotoxicity is the ability of a substance to damage DNA (ie the genetic code included in DNA) and thus cause mutations or cancer. The mutation is defined as an irreversible change in the genetic material of the cell that can be passed down through the generations, the experts added.

Studies in rodents show that the supplement carries a carcinogenic risk, especially for colon cancer, as well as a risk of impaired reproductive function and neuronal toxicity. To date, no studies on humans have been performed on the presence of these effects. But the fact that the food supplement E 171 contains nanoparticles is of concern to scientists.

However, in order for the additive to be banned, the European Commission must decide on a ban on its use within the EU. The Center for Risk Assessment in the Food Chain reminds that the content of the food additive titanium dioxide (E171) should be indicated on the label, for consumer information.

Until recently, we thought that E171 was quite innocent, because it is almost a product of natural origin. However, it was found that in larger quantities it is not digested, and there are enough reasons to eat bleached confectionery, especially ice cream in the summer. In addition to gastrointestinal problems, it turns out that E171 can also have an allergic effect, an unpleasant effect on various autoimmune diseases, but mostly cancer – the thyroid gland. It turns out to be quite risky.

There are already countries that are giving it up. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said there was not enough scientific and medical evidence to ban E171 in all EU countries, so each government could make its own decisions.

If I eat one ice cream a month is not a problem, but now we will eat more, and it always whitens. That’s why it’s important for people to look at the composition on the label. Such an additive, ie a process improver such as titanium dioxide in this case, is always prescribed.

If people in the weekly market buy more than three products with such an attractive white color, just think and do it no more. Children become aggressive and hyperexcitable from such food additives – the central nervous system and kidneys react risky in case of overconsumption.

E171 alone is unlikely to be a single risk factor, but we consume continuously processed foods that contain dozens of other E’s or additives. Note that EFSA allows them to be labeled both as a chemical name, ie without an E, and as a signature with an “E”, and this is misleading. That is, when people see more than three unknown ingredients, do not buy this product.

There is little to think about before banning titanium dioxide, because the alternative is to eat limestone, because calcium carbonate is its substitute. Going to extremes is not good. The problem with it is that it is considered dangerous because it forms nanoparticles that can physically enter the human body and damage cells and tissues. People should pay attention to the hygiene of the places where they buy bulk ice cream.

According to traditional recipes, ice cream is a dairy product. But “unfortunately, ice cream is increasingly becoming a plant product. Milk fat is replaced by vegetable fat. To thicken, they add flour or starch – corn or wheat. This is done because plant products are cheaper. The more plant components in ice cream, the longer the shelf life, because even bacteria do not like these ingredients. The longer the shelf life, the farther the recipe is from the original.

When buying bulk ice cream, there are several things that consumers can pay attention to in order to assess the hygiene in the respective store. The first and most important thing is where the spoons are. They should be in the refrigerator and have a spoon for each type of ice cream. It is not correct to use a spoon and keep it outside the refrigerated display case at room temperature. When we take an ice cream scoop, it must be individually packaged.

When consuming ice cream contaminated with bacteria and microorganisms, the consequence is most often a mild stomach upset.

UEFA threatens with fines for the “war against bottles” at Euro 2020
UEFA threatens with fines for the “war against bottles” at Euro 2020
UEFA threatens with fines for the “war against bottles” at Euro 2020

The players of Euro 2020 will have to stop moving the bottles with drinks to the sponsors during their press conferences, otherwise they will be subject to fines, UEFA threatened.

Cristiano Ronaldo set the trend by moving two bottles of Coca-Cola during a press conference in Portugal, advising everyone in the room to drink water instead of a fizzy drink.

His example was followed by Paul Pogba, who hid a bottle of non-alcoholic Heineken, which is also among the big sponsors of Euro 2020. Manuel Locatelli also did not like cars and moved them after scoring two goals in the victory with 3 : 0 against Switzerland in the second round of the group stage.

However, UEFA reacted and have already instructed the teams to restrain their players, otherwise financial sanctions will follow.

“This is important because the revenue from sponsors is important for the tournament and for football in Europe,” said Euro 2020 director Martin Cullen.

We would never fine a player directly, but we will do so through fines from UEFA to the respective federation. Let’s see then whether the given football player will continue with these actions. But we would never fine the player directly. “

The ringining of church bells
The ringining of church bells
The ringining of church bells

In today’s post-modern technotronic society, the ringing of the bell reminds us of the spiritual, of the Divine, as it informs us of the beginning of worship in the temple, and of the need to at least stop and overshadow the sign of the cross if we do not cross ourselves. he passes by the church because we are engaged in the things of this life and we cannot go to church service for another time?

The history of the bell dates back to the Bronze Age (4-1 millennium BC), due to the spread around the world of metallurgy of copper and its alloys, which were used to make weapons, tools, household items and more. Archaeologists have found bronze bells and bells during excavations in the ancient cities of China, the Caucasus, the Middle East, which date back to the 20th century BC. At the beginning of the Christian era, bronze bells and bells became widespread and performed both cult and secular functions.

During the persecution of Christians (1st-3rd centuries) there was no question of the use of bells in church services, because Christianity was not a permitted religion within the Roman Empire. The call for worship was made by special persons from the lower clerical ranks, called collectors. In 313 the Edict of Milan (issued in the present-day city of Milan) of the imp. Constantine the Great gave the Christian religion the status of a permitted religion, religio licitae. The emperor himself tried to introduce wind instruments-trumpets with which to call for worship, but after his death in 337 they lasted a short time. Around the end of the 3rd century in the temples and monasteries were already widely used ridges and eyelets, ie wooden or metal boards, which are beaten with a hammer.

Until the 5th century, bells were rarely used in church service – they were cast, forged, riveted, small in size, varied in shape and sounded very unpretentious.

The impetus for their spread was the invention in the beginning. of the 5th century by the bishop of the town of Nola, Campana province in Italy St. Pauline (353-431) on the tulip-like shape of the bronze bells and the organization of their mass production. Legend has it that when he returned home after work, he lay down in the field and fell asleep. Angels appeared to him in a dream with wild flowers-bells, from which came pleasant sounds. Shocked by what happened, he immediately ordered the masters to cast several bronze bells in the shape of a tulip. They turned out to be successful and soon the new model of bells (called “campaigns” after the name of the province where Bishop Pavel Nolanski was a saint) spread throughout Europe. The term “campana” is often used in Church Slavonic books.

The first documented mention of the use of bells in church worship dates back to the 6th century. Their official introduction into Christian worship was made by Pope Sabinian in 604-606. In Byzantium, the first bells appeared in 865, when the Venetian rain Orso I sent as a gift to the Byzantine Emperor Michael III a dozen small bells, which were placed on top of a specially built tower, next to the Constantinople Cathedral of St. Sophia. In Russia for the first time we find a written evidence of bells in the third Novgorod chronicle in 1066: “Vseslav came and took Novgorod and the bells of the saint from St. Sophia and the panicadil of the saima.” The first documentary evidence of casting bells on Russian soil dates back to 1259, when Prince Daniel of Galicia brought the icons and part of the bells from Kiev to Kholm, and decided to cast the rest on the spot. In the period 14-17 century, historians have studied 505 bell ringers, of which 190 were masters. The Russian monarchs themselves maintained a rapid development in the bell-making business, as they waged with their predecessors an ambitious competition over who would make the bigger bell during his reign. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Russian masters developed their profile and methodology and reached heights in technology and casting bells with predetermined properties. In the bell tower of the Assumption Cathedral of the Rostov Kremlin, the huge bells (2000, 1000 and 500 poods) are cast in a classic major chord to the nearest 1 percent, which is unattainable for most of today’s bell ringers. No matter how important the beauty of a temple is, be it with the presence of angel bells and precious church utensils, or beautiful sacred images (icons, murals) and wood carvings, the wonderful purity of soul and open heart to accept the Word of God and apply it in our lives. , make us followers of Christ, true Christians. The following case is indicative: in 1819, the citizens of Franklin, USA, asked Benjamin Franklin to give them a bell, but he gave them a library. He gave them his library with the words: “Instead of a bell, I’m sending you a library. I am convinced that it will help you more than the bell to understand how to serve God and how to work for the good of the people.

The Orthodox rite for consecration of the bell is placed in the Additional or in the Great Trebnik. It is performed before the bell is hung in the bell tower by priests in full liturgical attire, who burn incense on all four sides and consecrate it outside and inside. The Trisvyatoe/Trisagion, Our Father, Psalms 148, 150, 28, and 69 are read, followed by the parimiyah in Numbers (chapter 10: 1-10): silver, forged. …. And in the days of your joy, and in your feasts, and in your new moons, blow with the trumpets of the burnt offering and the sacrifices for your salvation. ” Then comes the singing of the sticheras and the daily leave.

The bells are one of the necessary accessories of the Orthodox church. The church bell is used for:

– to convene believers to worship;

– to express the triumph of the Church and its worship;

– to announce to those who are not present in the temple about the time of performing especially important moments of the service.

The Orthodox bell, in addition to its liturgical purpose, is an expression of joy, sorrow and celebration of the people, which gives rise to various types of bells and each type has its own name and meaning (in the early 20th century in St. Daniel’s Monastery near Moscow were performed 43 types of bell ringing). One of the canonical bells in the Orthodox Church is the chime. More complex than the others, each of the bells, from the largest to the smallest, is struck once. This mournful bell-ringing refers to the Lord, our Savior, and must be distinguished from the burial-ringing (busting) used for ordinary mortals and sinners. The chime symbolizes the “exhaustion” of Jesus Christ for our salvation and is performed twice a year: on Good Friday (on the evening before the removal and laying of the Shroud) and Good Saturday (on the morning of the procession with the Holy Shroud around the temple), or in the days of the crucifixion of the Son of God and of His voluntary burial.

In addition to a spiritual beneficial effect, the ringing of the bell has a beneficial and healing effect on those who attend church in the Orthodox Church. Does the bell really heal? Russian scientists are studying the effect of bells on various diseases. A group of researchers led by the candidate of biological sciences Fadey Shipunov observed in the early 90s of the 20th century how the bells act as generators of energy in the ultrasonic range, which destroy the pathogenic environment. Their ringing destroys the viruses of influenza, jaundice and other infections, whose molecular structure simply does not withstand. If you put even tiny bells in your room, their ringing directly crosses the cellular proteins. For example, viruses in a Petri dish become crystalline structures and cease to be contagious. Apparently, for centuries people have observed this phenomenon, as a common practice was in natural disasters, threats and especially in epidemics, the population was warned, accustomed to “alarm”, loud bells, and the gathering of large masses of people in the temple. or around it it was safe from the spread of viruses and other “poisonous defeats and poisonous infections” (as our revivalists called them). It turns out that each virus is neutralized in its own sound range. Scientists wonder how centuries ago our ancestors knew against which plague (epidemic) at what specific timbre to ring the church bells around the clock, so that the infection would disappear. Shipunov claims that the typhoid wand, for example, dies in a few seconds when a bell rings.

The World Health Organization wants to ban women from drinking alcohol
The World Health Organization wants to ban women from drinking alcohol
The World Health Organization wants to ban women from drinking alcohol

The WHO proposes a ban on alcohol for women of childbearing age, according to the draft Global Plan of Action against Alcohol for 2022-2030.

According to the document, the parties should raise public awareness of the dangers of alcoholic beverages, but special attention should be paid to children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age. This is due to the fact that alcohol consumption before and during childbirth can lead to the development of various diseases and disorders, as well as to the emergence of problems with social behavior and the ability to learn, the text says. It is noted that this also has a negative impact on the physical and psychological well-being of the mother.

In this regard, the WHO concludes that the best option would be for women to abstain from alcohol altogether.

These statements provoked widespread criticism among people on social networks, and the organization itself was accused of sexism.

80 years ago, in 1941, Reich Propaganda Office and the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene could not stop German women from smoking.

Anyway, it is estimated some 20,000 German women avoided lung cancer deaths thanks to Nazi paternalism, which discouraged women from smoking, often with police force.

Women in Thuringia aged under 25 years were not allowed to smoke in restaurants. In contrast, a similar poster in the region of Emscher-Lippe (Northern Ruhr Basin) in 1941 instructing the restaurant owner to forbid women to smoke, even to ‘make use of his domestic authority’, was criticized for not being approved by any district office (Gaudienststelle). Together with other examples of ‘bad propaganda’, it was brought to the attention of the Health Minister responsible for Reich-wide regulation. In some parts of Germany, there were a number of unapproved anti-tobacco activities (e.g. a poster in Mecklenburg announced that the Führer deplored smoking and smokers damaged the power of the German people) as well as statements by certain individuals (e.g. Robert Ley, head of the German Labour Front, who had trained in chemistry at Jena) or organizations (e.g. German Women’s Alliance for Alcohol Free Culture – Deutscher Frauenbund für alkoholfreie Kultur, etc.). Many of these local initiatives were often so exceptional that they attracted widespread media attention. Thus, a prohibition of smoking in public by boys and girls in Mecklenburg, with breaches punished by 2 weeks in prison or a fine of 150 Reichsmark, was even reported in the British ‘Daily Telegraph’ newspaper on 1 June 1936. Again, many initiatives had more to do with the status of women than with smoking as such. For example, members of the police force in the town of Erfurt were instructed to remind women smoking in public of their duties as German women and mothers, which echoed the verbal abuse of women in Berlin who wore cosmetics.22 These measures were not endorsed by the Nazi leadership and were only local actions.

Thus, on 5 July 1941, an urgent letter was sent by telex from the Reich Propaganda Office (in agreement with the Party Chancellery) to all chief administrators of districts, members of the National Socialist Organization for Propaganda and People’s Enlightenment, and liaison officers in important organizations, establishing guidelines on Reich-consistent anti-tobacco propaganda. These guidelines, which demonstrate a somewhat tolerant view of smoking, were summarized in nine bullet points(Box 1).

Box 1 Reich Propaganda Department guidelines on anti-smoking campaigns, issued on 5 July 1941

  • The magazine Reine Luft must give up its combative character and its polemic tenor. It should become the organ for scientific research and public education about the dangers of tobacco.
  • Physicians must give consistent messages to the population.
  • All anti-tobacco propaganda directed at the public must be approved.
  • The anti-tobacco campaign aimed at young people will be conducted according to the existent plans which are in accordance with the Reichsjugendführung (magazines, educational letters for in-house meetings, illustrations, brochures).
  • A very careful campaign should be directed at women, in particular addressing those who are pregnant or breast-feeding
  • Magazines for young people, women, physicians and sports may be used more extensively for health education.
  • There are no objections to propaganda in support of a further ban on smoking in work places, assemblies, meetings, sports fields and similar.
  • Tobacco advertising by the manufacturers will be reduced incrementally.
  • Campaigns at district level are only permitted within the framework of these guidelines.

This letter was also addressed to the German Alliance for Combating the Dangers of Tobacco (Deutscher Bund zur Bekämpfung der Tabakgefahren), founded after the Nazis came to power. It specified that proposals to use the press for anti-smoking campaigns, to ban women from smoking in restaurants, and to restrict tobacco adverts to statements of manufacturer, brand name and price were not approved by the party. However, it also noted that ‘if the Alliance wishes to be consistent with existing Reich anti-tobacco propaganda’, it could do ‘valuable educational work’.