Arqueólogo afirma haber descubierto la Sodoma bíblica

Los investigadores están seguros de que Tell el-Hamam en Jordania, donde los signos de calor extremo y una capa de destrucción son consistentes con la historia bíblica de la destrucción de Sodoma, es el sitio de esta antigua ciudad. En una entrevista reciente publicada a fines de junio, un arqueólogo hace una convincente…

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Un archéologue prétend avoir découvert la Sodome biblique

Les chercheurs sont certains que Tell el-Hamam en Jordanie, où des signes de chaleur extrême et une couche de destruction sont compatibles avec l’histoire biblique de la destruction de Sodome, est le site de cette ville antique. Dans une récente interview publiée fin juin, un archéologue fait un constat convaincant…

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El escándalo de Cleopatra se profundiza: Egipto exige miles de millones de dólares en compensación

Un equipo de abogados y arqueólogos egipcios exige que la empresa de streaming “Netflix” pague una indemnización de dos mil millones de dólares por la distorsión de la imagen de la reina Cleopatra y el Antiguo Egipto en la serie documental “Cleopatra”, la online. ..

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La lista de reyes sumerios y Kubaba: la primera reina del mundo antiguo

Desde Cleopatra hasta Razia Sultan, la historia está llena de mujeres poderosas que desafiaron las normas de su época. Pero, ¿alguna vez has oído hablar de la reina Kubaba? Gobernante de Sumer alrededor del 2500 a. C., puede ser la primera mujer gobernante registrada en la historia antigua. La reina Kubaba (Ku-Baba) es una figura fascinante en…

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Scientists study sarcophagi from Ancient Egypt with computed tomography

A collaboration between the museum and the clinic could set a precedent for combining the study of historical artifacts with cutting-edge medical technology to better understand the past

In a meticulously planned operation that took five months to organize, two sarcophagus lids dating back…

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Une femme d’un portrait du Fayoum a été diagnostiquée par l’image –

Des scientifiques ont étudié un portrait du Fayoum d’une jeune femme datant du IIe siècle et conservé au Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ils ont remarqué une tumeur sur son cou et ont suggéré qu’il s’agissait probablement d’une représentation réaliste d’un goitre – un élargissement de la glande thyroïde. C’est…

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¿Existió realmente la Biblioteca de Alejandría? – europeantimes.noticias

Se dice que es uno de los mayores archivos de conocimiento clásico del mundo antiguo, albergó los libros de todos los tiempos. Fue construido por los súbditos de habla griega de la dinastía ptolemaica de Egipto en el siglo III a. La Biblioteca de Alejandría contenía cientos de miles de papiros…

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Expertos en ADN han establecido que había una mujer a bordo de un famoso buque de guerra sueco hundido –

El naufragio del barco real Vasa se recuperó en 1961 y está notablemente bien conservado después de más de 300 años bajo el agua en el puerto de Estocolmo Un laboratorio militar estadounidense ayudó a los suecos a confirmar lo que se sospechaba desde hace años: una mujer estaba entre los muertos el 17 -siglo…

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La tomographie d’une momie égyptienne antique révèle des signes de maladie mortelle

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Scientists explain why some dinosaurs have shrunk
Scientists explain why some dinosaurs have shrunk

In a new study, scientists found that alvaressaurs quickly shrank to the size of chickens. It turned out that it was all about their diet: at some point, dinosaurs only ate ants.

Alvaressaurs lived in many parts of the world – they inhabited China, Mongolia and South America. This dinosaur species lived in the period from the Late Jurassic to the Upper Cretaceous (from 160 to 70 million years ago). They were slender bipedal predators who spent most of their time on Earth feeding on lizards, the first mammals, and the offspring of other dinosaurs.

“Competition with other dinosaurs probably intensified in the Cretaceous. The Cretaceous period was an era of rapidly evolving ecosystems, and the biggest change was the gradual conquest of land by flowering plants. They changed the nature of the landscape and led to the active growth of various species of insects, for example, ants. Dinosaurs didn’t eat new plants, but they did eat ants, ”said Professor Michael Benton.

Initially, alvaressaurs were not small in size and were not even anteaters. Their ancestors, such as Haplocheirus, were relatively large dinosaurs, about the size of a small ostrich, with sharp teeth, flexible forelimbs, and large eyes. All of this suggests that before the dinosaurs began to consume only ants, their diet was mixed.

Scientists’ calculations have shown that the body weight of alvaressaurs has decreased from 30-40 kg to 5 kg in 95 million years. Also, due to the diet, the shape of their claws has changed.

Turkey collects 2,700 smuggled artifacts from abroad
Turkey collects 2,700 smuggled artifacts from abroad

Called the “cradle of civilizations”, Turkey is home to a diverse heritage, which has also made it a good target for smugglers for decades. Foreigners have looted everything – from precious treasures to pieces of mosque tiles – sometimes authorities have allowed thefts in the past. Nowadays, the authorities have a new policy of hunting for artifacts that adorn the collections of museums and private collectors around the world. In the last decade, Turkey has managed to return 2,712 artifacts, from small statues to sarcophagi.

Yahya Koshkun, deputy director of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s General Directorate of Cultural Property and Museums, says smuggling is as old as human history, but it increased between the 17th and 19th centuries. “In ancient times, the conquering countries allowed themselves to seize valuables in the places they conquered, as a sign of their victories. Later, this form of smuggling developed. Artifact smuggling has flourished in Anatolia since the 17th century, he told the Anatolian Agency (AA).

“Today, the dark history of smuggling lies in the history of the world’s largest museums. We often see there a collection of artifacts smuggled from our country. “Sometimes they appear at auctions, in private collections,” he said.

 “We monitor auctions around the world. “We examine all the auction catalogs to find any artifacts smuggled in from here,” Koshkun said. Every time an artifact related to Turkey appears at auction, the country’s authorities take legal action to stop the sale.

Koshkun boasts that traders are now much more cautious thanks to their efforts. “They know that Turkey will come after them and will have legal problems if they put such an artifact on sale,” he said.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is also pursuing smuggled artifacts. Efforts are being coordinated with the Interior Ministry and Interpol. This year, the ministry has 70 cases working on the extraction of artifacts. Some of these cases involve hundreds of artifacts, from coins to figurines. Recently in March, 413 pieces were brought to Turkey from Hungary, with which the country enjoys close ties.

Authorities also recently signed a deal with the United States to return artifacts smuggled from Turkey. The agreement, which entered into force on March 24th, is expected to ensure the return of a number of artifacts originating in Turkey.

Authorities also plan to finalize a deal with Switzerland soon to return artifacts smuggled from Turkey.

Britain returned to Bulgaria illegally exported artifacts
Britain returned to Bulgaria illegally exported artifacts

Illegally exported cultural property was returned by the competent institutions in the United Kingdom to the Bulgarian side

At an official ceremony today at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London on the Bulgarian side, the competent institutions in the United Kingdom returned illegally exported cultural property. This was announced by the press center of the Ministry of Culture, BTA reported.

The ceremony was opened by the Ambassador of our country to the United Kingdom Marin Raykov,

in the presence of representatives of the General Directorate “Inspectorate for Preservation of Cultural Heritage” of the Ministry of Culture – Director General Alexander Traikov and Head of Department Maria Todorova, as well as representatives of the DGCOC of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior. Representatives of the London Police, the Border Police, the Kent Police and the British Museum took part in the ceremony on behalf of the United Kingdom.

Special guests were the operational police officers, who seized the trafficked cultural property, the prosecutor working on the case, as well as the customs officers who seized the illegally imported items on the territory of the United Kingdom.

Chinese archaeologists have discovered lacquered objects 8,000 years old
Chinese archaeologists have discovered lacquered objects 8,000 years old

Archaeologists have discovered two lacquered objects more than 8,000 years old in the eastern Chinese province of Zhujiang, Xinhua reported. They are the earliest such objects known in China.

The lacquered items were found at the Jingtoushan site on the outskirts of Ningbo. These are some of the oldest ruins in China, dating from 7,800 to 8,300 years. In 2020, they are included in the top 10 of the most significant archaeological discoveries in China.

“Radiocarbon dating has shown that the objects found are about 8,200 years old. One may be part of a canoe or a musical instrument, while the other may have been used for weaving,” said Sun Guoping, head of the team of archaeologists involved. the excavations. According to him, the findings show that the tradition of Chinese lacquered products is at least 8,300 years old.

Excavations in Jingtoushan began in 2019.

Archeologists uncover evidence of earthquake mentioned in the Bible
Archeologists uncover evidence of earthquake mentioned in the Bible
(Photo: Ortal Chalaf/Israel Antiquities Authority)The excavation area in the City of David.

Archaeologists in Israel says they have found evidence of an earthquake that occurred during the period of the Kingdom of Judah recorded in the Bible.

The archaeologists were excavating in the City of David National Park and found a layer of destruction, including a row of shattered bowls, lamps, cooking utensils and storage jars inside a collapsed building, Israel21 reported Aug. 8.

The destruction has been attributed to an earthquake that struck around 2,800 years ago and which is mentioned in the Book of Amos, Christian Today reported.

Excavations were conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the ruins of an ancient building within the City of David National Park.

They revealed a row of shattered vessels, including bowls, lamps, cooking utensils and storage jars on the earliest floor of the southernmost room.

City of David National Park, also called Jerusalem Walls National Park, is an Israeli national park located near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem

This layer of destruction had no signs of a fire, indicating that the collapse of the building’s walls was not a deliberate event Iraeli21 reported..

This could have only one explanation: the eighth century BCE earthquake mentioned in the books of Amos and Zechariah.

Excavation directors Joe Uziel and Ortal Chalaf said this was “probably one of the strongest and most damaging earthquakes in ancient times.”

They said “evidence of its occurrence has been discovered in the past in excavations conducted at a variety of sites throughout Israel, such as Hazor, Gezer, Tel Agol, and Tel es-Safi/Gath.

They said the latest excavations they conducted in the City of David indicate that the earthquake probably have hit Jerusalem as well.


Remnants of the earthquake in the eighth century BCE can also be found at Tel Megiddo in the north; on the eastern slope of the Gihon Spring, not far from the City of David in Jerusalem; and in the Dead Sea area.

The new findings update what was previously the earliest destruction layer of Jerusalem – from the Babylonian conquest of 586 BCE.

“When we excavated the structure and uncovered an 8th century BCE layer of destruction, we were very surprised, because we know that Jerusalem continued to exist in succession until the Babylonian destruction, which occurred about 200 years later,” they said according to Christian Today.

“We asked ourselves what could have caused that dramatic layer of destruction we uncovered. Examining the excavation findings, we tried to check if there is a reference to it in the biblical text.

“Interestingly, the earthquake that appears in the Bible in the books of Amos and Zechariah, occurred at the time when the building we excavated in the City of David collapsed,” said the excavators.

They said that the combination of the finds in the field together with the biblical description, led them conclude that the earthquake that struck the land of Israel during the reign of Uzziah king of Judah, “also hit the capital of the kingdom – Jerusalem.”

Archaeologists unearthed the burial ship of Pharaoh Cheops
Archaeologists unearthed the burial ship of Pharaoh Cheops

Archaeologists from Japan and Egypt have unearthed a second burial ship (solar boat) at the foot of the Cheops pyramid, reports with reference to Ahram Online.

In total, 1700 wooden parts were removed to the surface, after which they were subjected to initial restoration. Most of them were transferred to the Great Egyptian Museum, where, after continuing restoration work and research, they will be collected together and put on display by the public.

In total, two boats are known to be placed in sealed pits at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Cheops). The first pit was discovered in 1954 and 1,224 parts from the dismantled ship were brought to the surface.

The second pit with a boat was also found in the 1950s, but the chamber was not opened immediately. Until 2006, scientists conducted research work. Egypt excavated with soft loans from Japan.

The solar boats had a symbolic meaning. It was believed that on them the pharaoh would move in the underworld along the heavenly surface together with the sun god Ra.