Italy donated 500 thousand euros for the destroyed cathedral of Odessa

The Italian government handed over 500,000 euros for the restoration of the destroyed Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa, announced the mayor of the city, Gennady Trukhanov. The Ukrainian city’s central temple was destroyed by a Russian missile in July 2023. The aid was granted under an…

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Rome partially restored Trajan’s Basilica with the money of a Russian oligarch

Asked about the topic, Rome’s chief curator of cultural heritage, Claudio Parisi Presicce, said Usmanov’s funding was agreed before Western sanctions, and Rome’s ancient heritage, he says, is “universal”.

The imposing colonnade of Trajan’s Basilica in Rome, which occupies a…

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A nightclub owner donated holy relics to a temple in Moscow

The Russian entrepreneur and owner of several nightclubs, Mikhail Danilov, donated a part of the relics of St. Nicholas of Mirliki to the Moscow temple dedicated to the icon of the Virgin Mary “Znamenie”. Along with the particle, a certificate of authenticity for the relic, which was…

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