Beautiful poppy fields bloomed in the Odessa region
Beautiful poppy fields bloomed in the Odessa region

Incredible beauty in Ovidiopol

Poppy fields have blossomed in the Odessa region. Thousands of flowers have turned the outskirts of Ovidiopol into a red carpet, the site reports.

Ovidiopol is a village in the Odessa region, which is located on the eastern bank of the Dniester estuary. Once on the site of the village of Ovidiopol there was a gateway from the Varangians to the Greeks. It was a trade route connecting the lands of Kievan Rus with the Byzantine Empire.

Captured by the beauty of the “poppy seas”, residents of Odessa and guests began to massively upload their photos to the social network. However, environmentalists warn: these picturesque locations are annually harmed by such visitors.

Poppies are very delicate flowers, and people break them, trample them, pluck them. Therefore, ecologists urge fans of picturesque fields to treat them more carefully so that they can return here again next year.

A journey like a movie –  to the Harry Potter Bridge in Scotland
A journey like a movie – to the Harry Potter Bridge in Scotland

The famous Glenfinan viaduct, through which the train passes in the films about the boy wizard, is 120 years old

The Hogwarts Express train, which rushes to the Hogwarts School of Wizards in the Harry Potter movies, is not a computer animation. The bridge he crosses, too.

Both are based in Scotland and are legendary attractions even before the movies.

The real name of the train is the steam train “Jacobyte” and the viaduct – Glenfinan. Traveling on the route of just over 130 km is one of the best experiences you can book in Scotland.

The route of the steam train journey begins near the highest mountain in Britain – Ben Nevis, and ends in the coastal town of Malaga.

From the final stop of the train you can board the ferry to the Isle of Skye – an unearthly place shrouded in fog.

Surprisingly, the Glenfinan Viaduct is at an honorary age of 120 years. Construction of the section from Fort William to Malaga (steam train route) began in 1896. It was officially opened in 1901.

Unusual rumors have surfaced about its construction. Despite numerous studies that refute this claim, the rumor persists that a whole horse fell into one of the pylons of the viaduct during construction. The pylons were examined with mini cameras and scanned, but the remains of a horse were never found.

Ever since fans of the boy wizard followed in the footsteps of their favorite character, the viaduct has gained unprecedented fame. Some more reckless followers, probably believing in their own supernatural powers, narrowly missed a close encounter with the oncoming train as they walked along the viaduct. This caused the British transport police to issue an official warning to tourists not to walk on the transport facility.

The other problem with the Scottish authorities is that many tourists only reach the viaduct instead of seeing more Scottish beauties.

The Glenfinan Viaduct can be seen not only from the train (which is pulled by a steam locomotive only in summer), but also from the side (where the view is actually more impressive). It is located north of the A830, also known as the Road to the Islands and considered one of the most scenic roads in Scotland. Those who decide to continue their journey beyond the fabulous world of Mr. Potter will see sandy beaches, green hills and sunsets over the sea and islands in the distance.

Iran, yakhchāl, faloodeh and why Italy is not the homeland of ice cream
Iran, yakhchāl, faloodeh and why Italy is not the homeland of ice cream

In summer, one of the saves in the heat is ice cream. Whether we choose it from the freezer in the store or rely on more expensive craft options, the important thing is to enjoy it.

Even if we haven’t thought about where the ice cream comes from, the answer will surely surprise us. At least, because it’s not Italy. Iran is considered the birthplace of ice cream. It all started about 2000 years ago. A solution to the difficult task from today’s point of view – to lower the temperature to the point of freezing, gives a cone-shaped building in ancient Persia. They call me yakhchāl (ancient type evaporative cooler).

Above the ground it is conical in shape, and in its deep underground part the temperature is low enough to freeze water. In fact, this is one of the prides of Iranian architecture.

Each yakhchāl has a massive wall that provides shade, a pond from which the water comes, and an underground storage room where it freezes due to the low temperature. Leder, whether obtained during the nights of the cold months or brought from the nearby mountains, is stored here for months.

This technique was used as early as 400 BC. With this ice, the Iranians also prepared faloodeh – their typical dessert, which is very similar to today’s ice cream. Faloodeh (an Arabicized form of paloodeh that appeared after the Arab conquest of Iran, due to a lack of the phoneme /p/ in Standard Arabic) is a combination of ice, starch and different types of syrup. In appearance, the final product looks like very thin spaghetti.

Today in many places in Iran you can still try faloodeh, writes the BBC. Here it is offered along with ice cream, which we are all used to seeing everywhere. The traditional dessert includes sheep’s milk, rose water, saffron and sugar. It is very likely that not everyone will like the faloodeh, but it is worth a try if you have the opportunity. Of course, today it is not stored in a yakhchāl, but in refrigerators.

Nowadays, after thousands of years of preparing faloodeh, ice cream machines are being imported to Iran from Italy, which many consider to be the home of the ice cream dessert, because it is becoming really popular there.

The Iranians themselves prefer a richer taste, with more sugar and whole milk – like the Americans. While in Europe, where the hegemons are the Italians, lighter versions of ice cream and various types of sorbets are consumed.

How are giant waves born in Portuguese Nazaré?
How are giant waves born in Portuguese Nazaré?

In summer, the town of Nazaré, which is located on the western coast of Portugal, an hour’s drive from Lisbon, is a typical resort, generous with the gentle sun, friendly beaches and fresh seafood. From October to February, he surprisingly changes his temper and turns into a real mecca for surfers and adrenaline lovers. It is here, in small Nazaré, or rather on its northern beach Praia Do Norte, that the largest waves in Europe rise, up to 30 meters high!

What is so special about Nazar that makes it the cradle of such giants? The answer is simple: the structure of the ocean floor relief. Nazaré is located near the underwater canyon of the same name – Nazare Canyon, which is considered one of the deepest canyons in Europe. Its length is 227 km, and its depth is about 5 km. As you approach the coast, the depth of the canyon decreases, forming a kind of springboard for the waves and increasing their height many times over.

Waves in Nazaré are born literally in a matter of seconds. In the fall-winter season, when the stormy season comes, a giant wave can appear in as little as 14 seconds. It was here, in Nazaré, that the world record was set for the passage of the largest wave by a person: in 2017, the Brazilian Rodrigo Koja managed to conquer a wave with a height of 24.3 meters, for which he was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

When shallow bathymetry slows down a part of a wave, this causes the waves to refract. Similar to the way a magnifying glass can bend light to focus it into one bright spot, reefs, sand banks and canyons can focus wave energy toward a single point of the coast. This is what happens at Nazaré to create giant waves.

At Atlantic Surf Routeyour website for a surftrip with a campervan in Portugal and Spain, to bring you one of the destinations most demanded by surfers: Nazaré.

The Nazaré Canyon causes very big waves, making Nazaré a very important point on the world surfing route. On November 1, 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a gigantic wave, breaking the world record, with 23.77 meters in Nazaré. In January 2013, it was confirmed that he had surfed a larger wave still 30 meters high in Nazaré too, probably beating his own previous record.

Although Praia do Norte has captivated the attention of the world, Nazaré has not only giant and powerful waves, but also corners and waves accessible to all athletes.

Resorts of the Russian South are overwhelmed despite bad weather
Resorts of the Russian South are overwhelmed despite bad weather

According to the Federal Tourism Agency, the resorts of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory are experiencing a tourist “boom” – there are not enough good hotels for tourists.

Rosturizm considers it necessary to build new hotels, and there is already a national project for the development of Black Sea resorts. It envisages the construction of 20 thousand rooms by 2024, which should stimulate competition and lead to lower prices. At the same time, many experts believe that after the opening of air links with Turkey, Egypt and other countries, there will be no mass flow of tourists to the Black Sea, and there is no point in construction.

According to Igor Bukharov, head of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia, the resorts are currently overloaded, since there are simply no other options. He stressed that there is a demand for the local level of service, services and food quality only because foreign destinations with adequate prices are closed. He talked about the tendency in the local industry to raise prices for services in times of demand, but the service does not grow. According to Bukharov, the lack of service at the level of Egypt and Turkey and the rise in prices causes rejection – tourists will leave after the opening of alternative destinations. He noticed that the share of high-quality rooms is only 10%.

According to the vice-president of ATOR Ilya Umansky, it is impossible to compare our resorts with foreign ones – the differences in the number of rooms are too big. He noted that on the Black Sea, most of the room stock is the private sector, when local residents rent rooms and apartments to tourists. Also, hotels are often registered as private households, and they are not required to pay taxes and register tourists.

Unfortunately, Russian resorts cannot please tourists with good weather either.

Crimea flooded: in Kerch cars went under water on the roof

On the night of Thursday, heavy rains fell in Crimea, and flooding occurred in places. The largest amounts of precipitation were recorded in Kerch and Belogorsk (one and a half monthly norms of precipitation), and Simferopol was also affected. A storm warning has been announced. The head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov arrived in Kerch to assess the situation. For the inspection he had to use a boat – because of the downpours, the Melek-Chesme River overflowed the banks, the city streets are flooded, traffic is greatly complicated, and in some places impossible.
Russian tourists were pointed out the countries where you can fly on vacation: a complete list
Russian tourists were pointed out the countries where you can fly on vacation: a complete list

Rosaviatsia and tourism officials have been actively warning tourists and tour operators who have started traveling and selling tours for “cargo-passenger” flights. But to guide tourists in which destinations are really open to tourism and which are only for technical flights, the aviation regulator has published a complete list of permitted countries.

But first, officials again warned tourists and travel agencies about the risks of traveling on cargo and passenger flights. “Currently, the Operational Headquarters of the Russian Federation allows flights for tourist purposes outside the Russian Federation only to certain states. Irregular cargo and passenger flights are also allowed in a number of countries for the purpose of transportation of only certain categories of passengers, in particular: foreign citizens, return of compatriots to the Homeland, family reunification, treatment, work, etc. categories “, – stated in Rosaviatsia. However, “in conditions of increased demand, unscrupulous tour operators” sell tours to “officially” closed countries on non-scheduled cargo and passenger flights.

“When purchasing a tour ticket with an air ticket abroad, please take into account that airlines cannot transport organized groups of tourists when performing non-scheduled cargo and passenger flights. It is strongly recommended to refrain from flying abroad on these flights for the purpose of recreation as part of organized tours, “- warned tourists. Airlines, in turn, were intimidated that “in the event of the discovery of the sale of cargo and passenger flights in tour packages, restrictive measures will be taken against the airline.” Rosaviatsia also informed Rostourism about the need to take appropriate measures against unscrupulous tour operators, which include air transportation on non-scheduled cargo and passenger flights.

The official list includes 43 countries, including the currently closed Turkey and Tanzania. Here are all of them, noting at the same time those who are not ready to let Russian tourists for tourism. How many of them are popular tourist destinations – you can count yourself.

1. Austria. Russian tourists for the purpose of tourism in the country are not allowed.

2. Azerbaijan

3. Albania

4. Armenia

5. Belarus

6. Great Britain

7. Hungary. Russian tourists are not yet allowed to enter.

8. Venezuela.

9. Vietnam. The country is closed to tourists.

10. Germany. Russian tourists are denied entry.

11. Greece (only flights Moscow – Athens with a frequency of 2 r / n from 08.02.2021, increase to 4 r / n from 10.06.2021). Tourists are allowed to enter.

12. Egypt (only flights Moscow – Cairo with a frequency of 5 r / n from 27.01.2021, increase to 7 r / n from 10.06.2021).

13. India. Entrance for Russians for tourism is closed.

14. Iceland. Entrance is closed for Russian tourists.

15. Kazakhstan

16. Qatar

17. Kyrgyzstan

18. Cuba with a frequency of 4 r / n to Cuba (Cayo Coco, Santa Clara), Moscow – Varadero with a frequency of 7 r / n from 01.04.2021), tourists are allowed.

19. Lebanon

20. Luxembourg

21. Mauritius – the country does not allow Russian tourists.

22. Maldives (Moscow – Male with a frequency of 8 r / n), tourists can.

23. Malta, tourists from Russia are not allowed yet, negotiations are underway.

24. Morocco (only flights Moscow – Casablanca with a frequency of 2 r / n from 10.06.2021),

25. Mexico (Moscow – Cancun with a frequency of 3 r / n from 25.05.2021), tourists are allowed.

26. United Arab Emirates (Moscow – Dubai with a frequency of 7 r / n, Moscow – Abu Dhabi with a frequency of 2 r / n, Grozny – Dubai with a frequency of 2 r / n, other cities of the Russian Federation with a frequency of 1 r / n from each point Russia from 01.04.2021) + 11 non-scheduled flights to UAE airlines on a reciprocal basis. Tourists can.

27. Portugal (Moscow – Lisbon with a frequency of 3 r / n and St. Petersburg – Lisbon with a frequency of 1 r / n from 25.05.2021). Tourists from Russia are still closed.

28. South Korea

29. Saudi Arabia

30. Serbia

31. Seychelles

32. Syria

33. Singapore, tourists are not allowed.

34. Tajikistan

35. Tanzania (Zanzibar) (flights suspended from 15.04.2021 to 21.06.2021).

36. Turkey (Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman) (flights are suspended from 15.04.2021 to 21.06.2021, except for Moscow – Istanbul with a frequency of 2 flights per week).

37. Uzbekistan

38. Finland. Tourists from Russia are not allowed.

39. Croatia (flights only Moscow – Zagreb with a frequency of 2 r / n from 10.06.2021), the country allows Russian tourists.

40. Switzerland. Tourists are not allowed.

41. Sri Lanka

42. Ethiopia

43. Japan – for the purpose of tourism Russians are not allowed into the country.

Turkey has changed the rules of entry for foreign tourists
Turkey has changed the rules of entry for foreign tourists

In an attempt to restore the flow of tourists to its resorts through the wide coverage of foreign tourists, Turkey has changed the rules of entry into the country. Now tourists coming to Turkey from 146 countries will not need a PCR test if there is a complete vaccination against coronavirus infection or an antibody test. What awaits Russian vacationers upon entry in case of opening Turkish resorts?

In accordance with the updated travel rules for coronavirus security measures, the Turkish authorities exempted from mandatory PCR testing tourists who presented a passport of vaccination against covid from 146 countries, including Russia, the United States, Germany, France, Azerbaijan and Spain. It is noted that the vaccine must be received at least 14 days before entry, and if a tourist has already contracted the coronavirus in the last 6 months, it is necessary to present a document confirming the presence of antibodies.

Following the announcement of new travel rules on 1 June, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (SHGM) has updated the list of countries from which it is possible to come to Turkey under the new requirements for measures to combat coronavirus. In addition, vaccinated tourists are not subject to quarantine measures.

If a vaccination certificate or antibody document cannot be provided upon entry into Turkey, a negative PCR test taken no more than 72 hours prior to entry or an antibody test performed no more than 48 hours.

List of countries from which Turkey is ready to receive tourists vaccinated or infected with coronavirus:

1. Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Albania, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan,

2. Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bhutan,

3. Vatican, Venezuela, Vietnam, Hungary,

4. Gabon, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Guinea, Georgia, Germany,

5. Denmark, Djibouti,

6. Zambia and Zimbabwe,

7. Yemen,

8. Jordan, Iraq, Ireland, Spain, Israel, Italy, Iceland, Indonesia,

10. Laos, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Lebanon, Luxembourg,

11. Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Moldova, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Morocco,

12. Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Norway, the Netherlands,

13. Oman, UAE,

14. Panama, Poland, Portugal,

15. Romania, Rwanda, Russia,

16. Sao Tome, Senegal, Seychelles, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Northern Cyprus, Northern Macedonia, El Salvador, United States,

17. Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan,

18. Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,

19. Philippines, Finland, France,

20. Croatia,

21. Montenegro, Chile, Chad, the Czech Republic,

22. Sweden, Switzerland,

23. Ecuador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia,

24. South Korea, South Sudan,

25. Jamaica, Japan.

Balkan race for tourists
Balkan race for tourists

  “I need a 6-month vacation. Twice a year.” – author unknown

Not so long ago, 11 years ago, Brad Pitt showed his beloved Angelina Jolie the beautiful coast of Montenegro. The actors stayed at the Splendid Hotel near Budva. And just five years ago, the first-class restaurant for modern Asian cuisine, Nobu, owned by Robert De Niro and Nobu Matsushita, opened on St. Stephen’s Island. The last James Bond, the British actor Daniel Craig, played in cold blood against the Bad guy in a Montenegrin casino, and somewhere in the recent past the football star Ronaldinho was a guest on the coast.

Now the island of St. Stephen is closed, and the investor ADRIATIC Properties is arguing with the authorities in Montenegro through letters to international institutions, embassies, the European Commission and others.

In 2019, in a report by the World Tourism Organization, Montenegro was declared one of the fastest growing tourist destinations in Europe.

The glamorous years are now a thing of the past, the stars of the world of cinema and sports are far away, the pandemic has changed the world, and tourism in 2020 seems to have been in a still image. Today, the global test is challenging all professionals in the sector to step out of their comfort zones and invent something truly new to offer both exciting and safe vacations to tourists.

And the race began: in Bulgaria a week ago there was talk of hotels for those infected with COVID-19. That sounds a little weird, really. In fact, these are detached villas where people will be accommodated in case of infection with the virus to continue their vacation. The quarantined will receive the necessary assistance and food.

The Albena resort already provides such an opportunity, and it has become the first resort in Bulgaria to receive a “100 percent vaccinated” sticker. This means that the staff of the hotels in the complex is fully vaccinated and ready to welcome tourists.

A few days ago, Albania, which has access to the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, announced the opening of 29 health centers for rapid testing of tourists and assistance in the presence of a virus.

Montenegro has adopted a decision according to which hotels offer tests for tourists who need them when they return home.

The Montenegrin government has launched a program of economic reforms for the period 2021 – 2023, and it contains optimistic forecasts for rapid growth this year. The most important of these for 2021 relates to tourism revenues, which should reach 65 percent of those generated in the strong 2019.

Montenegro’s tourism accounts for nearly 25 percent of the country’s GDP, but also feeds many other areas. It is also an important priority in the government’s program. It outlines the path for sustainable development of the sector in the country, namely “green tourism”, digitalization, continuous staff training, diversification of the tourist product, new protected areas; offering holidays that combine the mountains of the North and the coast of the South.

The Germans stormed Mallorca, Lufthansa released jumbo jets
The Germans stormed Mallorca, Lufthansa released jumbo jets

The island is sometimes jokingly called the “17th German state”

The German airline Lufthansa is taking “emergency measures” due to the jump in reservations for the Spanish island of Mallorca, sending jumbo jets to transport passengers from Frankfurt, AFP reported.

In recent months, there has been a sharp increase in reservations from Germans thirsty for the sun, as fears of a pandemic have subsided thanks to declining cases and advances in vaccination in Europe.

To meet demand, Lufthansa will replace the 215-seat Airbus A321, which typically serves the Frankfurt-Mallorca route, with a 364-seat Boeing 747-8.

The huge jumbo jet, called the “Queen of Heaven”, is the largest aircraft in the Lufthansa flotilla. Usually this type of machine flies on transatlantic routes, but most of them were stopped due to the pandemic.

The jumbo jet will be used for four weekends in July and August, when it is the peak of the summer tourist season in Europe.

Mallorca is one of the most popular tourist destinations among Germans, and the island is sometimes jokingly called the “17th German province”. Before the pandemic, it was visited by about 5 million German tourists each year

7 surprising things that are banned in Italy
7 surprising things that are banned in Italy

From sitting on stairs to walking in flip-flops

Italy may be known as the country of dolce vita, but your life there will not be sweet at all if you do not follow the rules.

Serious fines await those who do not comply with the bans, and the bans themselves can be quite unexpected.

You can get the most fines in Venice – in recent years, the city is looking for ways to deal with the huge flow of tourists and preserve its historical heritage despite the damage that excessive tourism causes to the city. You will also have to be careful in Rome. Many of the famous movie scenes with which we connect the city contain actions that today will bring you not only adrenaline and unforgettable photos, but also hefty fines.

1. Flip-flops are prohibited in the area known as Cinque Terre. The five colorful villages, located on the rocky shores of the Ligurian Sea, are connected by mountain trails. The route between the villages is very popular among tourists, but the local authorities are tired of rescuing stranded visitors in flip-flops, so in the spring of 2019 they announced that they will introduce a fine of 50 to 2,500 euros for anyone caught walking on mountain trails. flip flops or sandals.

2. Sitting on stairs can also bring you a fine, but only in one specific place – the Spanish Steps in Rome. Until a few years ago, the stairs were a favorite place for locals and tourists to relax after a long tour of the Italian capital, but after a restoration of more than 1.7 million euros, the Roman authorities decided to ban sitting on them.

3. Jumping into fountains is not like in the movies when you are in Rome. You better skip this fun, unless you want to get a fine of 450 euros.

4. Drinking alcohol on the street is banned in more and more Italian cities. The nightlife in the country is lively and lasts until late, but in cities like Rome and Venice you have to stick to the restaurants or your own terrace.

5. Cycling is forbidden in the historic part of Venice, even if you walk and just push it.

6. If you don’t like the bans, it’s better to skip Venice altogether, because swimming in the canals is also forbidden there. And if you think that melting your toes does not count – you are wrong!

7. The feeding of pigeons in St. Mark’s Square in Venice is also on the list of prohibitions. Although one of the favorite activities of tourists, this activity is prohibited due to the problems that pigeons create in the bustling city.

The end of the airplane magazine is coming
The end of the airplane magazine is coming

According to some analysts, his disappearance was even delayed

Until recently, one of the few entertainments on board an airplane was the unfolding of the on-board magazine, where one can find ideas for future trips, information about interesting people and shopping offers.

Soon, however, free editions in the front seat pocket will go down in history.

American Airlines is another American airline that says goodbye to its on-board magazine. One after another, the big airlines are giving up their paper editions in favor of other entertainment on board related to the new tastes of passengers, commented USA Today.

The first issue of American Airlines magazine was published in 1966 and advertised a ticket with a 50% discount for the spouses of businessmen, and the last topic of the issue was the LGBT communities in the United States. The difference in topics clearly shows how much the world has changed in the last 50 years.

Passenger expectations and requirements are also changing. More and more airlines offer on board a huge variety of movies, music, free Wi-Fi and even free foreign language lessons. This makes the magazine redundant.

On board American Airlines, for example, passengers can watch the airline’s own lifestyle channel directly on their phones, tablets or other devices.

The menus, maps and useful information that travelers used to look for on the last pages of magazines are now available on the airlines’ websites or mobile applications.

Henry Harteveld, an analyst in the tourism industry, told USA Today that the sector was even late in closing magazines. According to him, interest in them declined when people began uploading books, movies and other forms of entertainment to their personal computers and phones. This has logically led to a decline in the interest of advertisers to present their products on the pages of on-board magazines. The death of the on-board magazine is logical and there will hardly be many who will miss it.

The resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast with new tactics for hunting tourists
The resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast with new tactics for hunting tourists

If before Covid-19 the summer resorts offered free umbrellas and sunbeds to attract tourists, this year it is far from enough. The extras are becoming more and more unusual – among the newest attractions on the sea are ice cream for dogs in Nessebar, payment with bitcoins in “Albena” and rope adventures in Sapareva Banya.

“I wanted to create something special for dogs,” says Toni Stoyanova, owner of an ice cream parlor in Nessebar.

 According to experts, the idea is good, as dogs should avoid human food and especially sugar, which makes classic ice cream dangerous for them.

Therefore, the special ice cream is created from 100% real fruits and vegetables, and the process of its creation was specially monitored by a veterinary clinic.

Tony has created something else – the first cake in our country, symbolizing the city in which it was created. The idea came from a Japanese tourist who entered the salon and asked what is the dessert that Nessebar is famous for.

Meanwhile, Albena has chosen another innovative way to pay – with cryptocurrency. The idea is the management of the complex, and the goal is for the seaside resort to keep up with new technologies.

When the user chooses cryptocurrency, the system generates a QR code that prints so that it can be scanned with a mobile application. The guests of the resort welcome the idea.

Since the innovation started only a few days ago, no one in the resort has yet taken advantage of the new service, but the complex is already expecting the first guests to make their reservations with cryptocurrency.

The mountain and spa resorts try not to lag behind the sea ones and introduce some new attractions, such as the park in Sapareva Banya, which attracts more and more visitors. There they built special labyrinths and cable lines, through which children and adults enter the captivating world of mountaineering.

Pandemic tourism: Thailand will offer luxury accommodation for USD
Pandemic tourism: Thailand will offer luxury accommodation for USD$1

About a million overnight stays at discounted prices will attract foreigners back to the Asian country

As part of its plan to gradually open up the country and attract tourists, Thailand is preparing a “One Night – One Dollar” campaign, world media reported.

As part of the initiative, luxury rooms in one of the first officially opened resorts for tourists – Phuket – will be offered at a price of 1 dollar. The program involves rooms that normally cost between $ 30 and $ 100, and the difference will be subsidized by the Thai government, the president of the Thai Tourism Council said.

Following the final approval of the campaign, it will start on July 1, when Phuket will become the first place in Thailand to receive vaccinated tourists without the need for quarantine.

If One Night – One Dollar proves to be a successful campaign, it will be extended to other famous tourist destinations such as Ko Samui, Pattaya, and Bangkok.

Authorities expect the initiative to lead to at least one million booked nights in the first month.

As of October 1, the relaxed quarantine regime for vaccinated foreigners is expected to apply to several other tourist provinces in Thailand – Krabi, Pang Nga, Chian Mai, and Pattaya. The final lifting of all restrictions is scheduled for January 1, 2022.

Russia resumes flights with nine countries
Russia resumes flights with nine countries

The headquarters made such a decision taking into account the epidemiological situation.

Russian tourists will have to wait for border opening

Russia will resume flights with Great Britain on June 2. And from June 10, regular flights will be resumed with Austria, Hungary, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Morocco and Croatia, as well as charter flights with Albania. The headquarters made such a decision taking into account the epidemiological situation in these countries, TASS reports.

Regular flights on the Moscow – London route will be operated three times a week on a reciprocal basis.

“Based on the results of the discussion and taking into account the epidemiological situation in individual countries, the operational headquarters decided to resume on a reciprocal basis from June 10, 2021, regular international flights with the following states: Austria (Moscow – Vienna twice a week); Hungary (Moscow – Budapest twice a week); Lebanon (Moscow – Beirut once a week); Luxembourg (Moscow – Luxembourg once a week); Mauritius (Moscow – Port Louis twice a week); Morocco (Moscow – Rabat twice a week); Croatia (Moscow – Zagreb twice a week), ”the journalists were told.

In addition, from June 10, charter flights with Albania on the Moscow-Tirana route will be resumed once a week.

The headquarters also said that the number of regular flights per week to Greece, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Qatar, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as to Egypt and Serbia, will increase.

“From June 10, the number of flights with Greece on the Moscow – Athens route will be increased by two flights a week, with Azerbaijan (Moscow – Baku), Armenia (Moscow – Yerevan), Qatar (Moscow – Doha), Uzbekistan (Moscow – Tashkent) and Tajikistan (Moscow – Dushanbe) – for one flight a week, with Egypt (Moscow – Cairo) and Serbia (Moscow – Belgrade) – up to seven flights a week, ”the message says.

Russia will extend the ban on flights to Turkey after June 1

The reason is the same – the outbreak of coronavirus in this country

The Russian headquarters for the fight against coronavirus will extend the ban on flights to Turkey, writes TASS, citing sources. The decision will be made in connection with the covid-situation in Turkish resorts – rest, according to the headquarters, is still unsafe. The previous term of restrictions expires tomorrow, June 1. It was decided to extend the current restrictions on air traffic with Turkey and Tanzania until June 21, 2021 inclusive.

They started talking about extending the flight ban back in mid-May, but then the headquarters had to deny a possible extension of the sanctions. And Aeroflot, without waiting for an official notification, closed the sale of tickets for all flights to Turkey until the end of June, with the exception of two flights a week to Istanbul permitted by the headquarters.

Back in April, Russia limited air traffic with Turkey and Tanzania from April 15 to June 1. The decision was made at a meeting of the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, the reason is a sharp increase in the number of COVID cases in Turkey. As for Tanzania, in this country, the registration of those infected with the coronavirus is not kept, and no certificates of the absence of COVID-19 are required from visitors.

In a statement, the headquarters noted that regular flights with Turkey will be limited to two flights a week from Moscow to Istanbul and from Istanbul to Moscow on a reciprocal basis. Charters are also suspended. Export flights remain. Russian tour operators are advised to stop selling tours until June 1. The head of the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus in Russia, Tatyana Golikova, noted that air traffic with these countries will be resumed if the situation there stabilizes.

The restriction of air traffic was discussed last week. If at the beginning of the year 10-15 thousand new cases were recorded daily in the country, then by April the figure had grown to 55 thousand cases per day. Now in Turkey, according to Hopkins University, 3,849,011 cases of COVID-19 have been officially detected. Also earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, stated that it was from Turkey that most of the new strains of coronavirus were imported to Russia.

For the first time, Russia closed flights with Turkey in March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic was declared all over the world. In August, the country became one of the first to resume flights.

Ethical Tourism
Ethical Tourism

While tourism has the potential to strengthen global understanding between cultural traditions, the tourism industry leaves traces of environmental damage, economic hopelessness and the degradation of human life.

The work of the Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism is dedicated to the social and environmental parameters of tourism on the long-term effects of tourism among local communities in order to better inform churches and their partner organizations about the joint responsibility for tourism issues in the context of new vocabularies. fund and paradigms.

Help the biblical light to get inspiration from the Holy Scriptures and give new hope to the people involved in tourism. The stories of Naaman (2 Sam. 5: 1-27), and the transforming role of the prophet (Luke 9: 28-43) reveal to us the need for churches to play a prophetic role in transforming tourism into a true spiritual journey. The general attitude is to affirm the true mission of the ecumenical movement and its use as part of this spiritual journey, during which we speak not “for” or “to” but “with” the churches.

Of great importance is the decision of the World Tourism Organization in September 1999 to adopt a “Global Code of Ethics for Tourism”, but it is still necessary to work together on an acceptable strategy for its implementation.

Code of Ethics for Tourists

1. Travel in a spirit of compassion and a genuine desire to learn more about the people of the host country.

2. Be sensitive to people’s feelings, avoiding behavior that could be interpreted by them as threatening. This is especially true of photography.

3. Cultivate the habit of listening and observing, not just listening and watching.

4. Make sense that often people in the country you have gone to have temporal understandings and conceptual understandings other than your own; this does not make them inferior, but only different.

5. Instead of looking for a “paradise beach”, discover the enriching encounter with the different way of life through the prism of other people’s eyes.

6. Get used to the local customs – people will be happy to help you

7. In place of Western practice to know the answers to all questions, learn to listen.

8. Remember that you are just one of the thousands of tourists visiting this country and do not expect special privileges.

9. If you really want to experience what it’s like to be “away from home”, it’s just stupid to spend your money on travel.

10. When shopping, remember that the “discount” you won was only possible due to the low wage for the manufacturer.

11. Don’t make promises to the people in the host country unless you are ready to keep them until the end.

12. Take some time each day to reflect on the experience in order to understand it in depth. This is in order to make you realize that what enriches you can enslave another.

A Holistic View of Tourism
A Holistic View of Tourism

The Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism in the Third World is a non-governmental organization that aims to find a solution to the negative effects of tourism on society and the environment by supporting vulnerable individuals and groups. For the past two decades, it has worked to ensure access to the benefits and benefits of tourism for all members of society.

The aim is to encourage all those involved in the issue to reorganize the dehumanizing and destructive aspects of tourism, especially for women, children, marginalized communities and the environment.

The Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism is a regional ecumenical (inter-Christian) organization based in Hong Kong, seeking to analyze the nature and effects of tourism in Asia, with the task of promoting sustainable, authentic and life-affirming cultural meetings. Finding the balance between social responsibility and entertainment is the challenge that the Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism poses to the tourism industry. As its CEO said, “for the church and its affiliates, the challenge is to find an alternative paradigm for the tourism program that is endowed with core values ​​such as justice, development, respect for cultures and environmental sensitivity.” This vision churches are trying to develop a more holistic view of tourism.

Also at the Conference of the Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism, the Ecumenical Coalition for Tourism in the Third World and the World Council of Churches, held in Chiang Rai, Thailand (14-1801.2002) Interreligious Dialogue of Indigenous Peoples issued a declaration on tourism and globalization. The church can still play a major role in exposing and rethinking aspects that harm life. Churches have a responsibility to identify and then protect victims of tourism. Acceptable tourism is based on the interest and needs of the local population, especially in the process of planning and implementation. The intention is for information, public debate and discussion to be an integral part of this process. This should include:

1. the promotion of concerns about opportunities and threats from tourism for local residents;

2. participation and decision-making with the inclusion of as many people as possible;

3. sharing positive economic, social and cultural benefits from tourism;

4. providing better jobs in tourism for the local population by improving working conditions, social security, the length of the working week and vocational training;

5. supporting the local culture and avoiding social and cultural damages caused by tourism.

The seven principles of the coalition are the following:

1. Focus on tourism and its impact on the lives of people in the Third World and the environment.

2. Providing opportunities for the local population affected by tourism to express their views and concerns.

3. Condemnation of dishonest practices in tourism and purposeful policy for their eradication.

4. Promotion of quality tourist activity, which is in compliance with the principles of a fair, sustainable society.

5. Supporting indigenous peoples and supporting their efforts to achieve a fair price, due to the impact of tourism.

6. Lobbying against human rights violations as a result of projects in the field of tourism development at national and international level.

7. Providing research and information on the impact of tourism.

Once again today, in the conditions of a pandemic, the World Tourism Organization and all “people of good will” are called upon to realize their responsibility to support all endeavors for more humane international tourism.

However, tourism policies are changing, from a minor role in economic development to a significant contribution to the global economy, which today requires a more strategic response. A priority is to influence the international process, such as the United Nations Year of Ecotourism’2002, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the negotiations of the World Tourism Organization – the General Agreement on Trade in Services and the Application of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. In these global processes, the adequate response and contribution consists in raising questions about the role of women in tourism, human rights, the struggle of indigenous peoples, children in tourism, the environment and the overall integrity of creation.

The first bicycle ambulances into operation
The first bicycle ambulances into operation

The first Turkish bicycle lines were put into operation this week on the “princely” islands of Buyukada and Heibeliada near Istanbul. Equipped with four bicycles, a team will be available to intervene when accidents occur on the islands on weekends and holidays.

Ambulances are adapted to provide emergency first aid with an oxygen tank and an automatic external defibrillator. The team is prepared for any scenarios they may face, including rescuing people from drowning, treating those who have fallen from great heights, and responding to patients with acute coronary syndrome.

The bicycle lines will work on weekends and holidays, when the islands are particularly crowded with tourists and it is extremely difficult to get around.

Team members who have completed first aid training will answer emergency calls before a normal ambulance arrives if necessary.

If several emergency calls are received at once, the ambulance team will determine which patients should be prioritized. In this way, patients who need further treatment will be transferred to the city faster.

Bicycle is an evolution trend for giving help to people in congested areas. But is it the right solution for everyone? We try to explain when you can choose a bicycle ambulance and when you need something different.

A cycle response unit is a crew of two or more paramedic equipped with bicycles that can operate as a frontline response to ordinary emergencies in a town centre. When traffic congestion, pedestrian areas and crowds of people can make it difficult to reach a patient.

What kind of Medical device do you need on a bicycle ambulance?

The cycle responders’ kit is very similar to a standard Basic Life Support (BLS) equipment that we can found on ambulances, without electro-medical instruments and transportation devices. As for the fast response unit on car, or the motorcycle response units (MRU), you need to have:



Pulse oximeter monitor

Blood pressure device

Adult and paediatric BLS kit (bag, valve, mask, ecc..)

Small bag of drugs like (for Paramedic and Professionals)

Bandages and dressings

Rubber gloves


Soft splint

Ice pack

Burn pack

Ceausescu’s plane and limousine sold
Ceausescu’s plane and limousine sold

The plane of the last dictator has the status of the Romanian movable cultural heritage

The presidential plane and the limousine of Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu were sold at auction last night at the Atmark auction house, at a price several times higher than originally announced, Romanian news agencies Agence France-Presse and Mediafax reported. The most impressive lot in the auction on Thursday, May 27, 2021 was the “Super one-eleven” presidential plane, used for the official flights of President Nicolae Ceausescu (1986).

The ROMBAC Super 1-11, which was discontinued in 1989, was sold for 120,000 euros at a starting auction price of 25,000 euros. It was used for Ceausescu’s official trips for four years, from 1986 to 1989.

The 1974 Paikan Hillman-Hunter limousine, which Nicolae Ceausescu received as a gift from Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahvali, who was ousted in 1979, was also put up for auction. The limousine nearly exceeded its original price of 4,000 euros and was sold for 95,000 euros.

Another ROMBAC 1-11 presidential plane, used during President Ion Iliescu’s first term, was sold at auction last night for 165,000 euros. Its initial price was also 25,000 euros. This aircraft is the last ROMBAC built in Romania. His first flight was in 1989.

Romania was the first communist country, after the Soviet Union and before China, to produce a passenger jet. The first ROMBAC flew in January 1983 from Bucharest to the western city of Timisoara. The first international flight took place two months later to London. The aircraft engines were manufactured at the Aerofina and Turbomekanika plants under license from Rolls-Royce.

Due to their extreme rarity and importance for Romania’s technical history, the two presidential planes were added this year to the category of “treasures” of Romania’s movable cultural heritage. By law, they cannot leave the country and whoever owns them has an obligation to maintain them.

Scent of summer in the land of roses – Bulgaria
Scent of summer in the land of roses – Bulgaria

When and where there are rose festivals in the Rose Valley

The rose season is in full swing and will last at least until mid-June.

Bulgarian rose oil is one of the most expensive and sought after on the international market essential oils. Every year at the end of May and the beginning of June in the Valley of Roses the picking of the pink color begins, accompanied by centuries-old cultural and festive traditions. The Bulgarian oil-bearing rose is one of the symbols of the country, and the Bulgarian rose oil is known all over the world.

Rose production in Bulgaria is based on the type “Damascene”. Annually in the country an average of 7.8 – 8.5 thousand tons of pink flowers are harvested. Bulgaria is a world leader in the production of rose oil. An average of about 2 tons of rose oil is produced annually in Bulgaria, 95% of which is exported. Usually 1 kilogram of rose oil is obtained from about 3 tons of flowers.

Last year, a kilogram of rose oil reached record high prices and exceeded 10,000 euros per kilogram, compared to prices between 6 and 7,000 euros on average in previous years. The name “Bulgarian rose oil” is protected by a patent in 2014 as a Bulgarian product in the register of geographical names protected by the European Commission.

If you want to walk through the rose fields, join the rose picking, walk through the fragrant streets of the towns in the Rose Valley – now is the time to do so.

Each of the cities where the Rose Festival is traditionally held has announced the dates and program for this year.

See when where what is happening and plan your weekend of roses.

Rose Festival in Kazanlak

When: May 14 – June 20

Traditionally, in the capital of the Rose Valley, the Rose Festival lasts more than a month with various events every weekend. Every Saturday and Sunday they start with a rose picking in one of the Kazanlak villages, and during the day there are workshops, concerts, festivals, exhibitions and other events.

Rose Festival in Karlovo

When: May 28-30

The main part of the program of this year’s Rose Festival in Karlovo took place on May 29. In the morning at 9 o’clock a rose picking ritual was held in the rose gardens of Karlovo, and from 12 to 14 o’clock in the historical museum a demonstration of rose cooking. At 10:30 was the start of the procession of Queen Rose. During the day, workshops and lessons in arts, sports and dance are planned, and from 8 pm a festive concert.

Festival of tourism and essential oils in Strelcha

When: May 28-29

The Festival of Tourism and Essential Oils is organized by the Municipality of Strelcha. The event is a kind of successor to the traditional celebration of the rose and mineral water, but with a richer program in two days.

The first events were on the afternoon of May 28 with the opening of the local tourist exchange “Strelcha 2021”. After the official part – a concert of amateur ensembles from the municipality. Open day in the Old Rosary, recreating the ritual “Rose picking” in a rose garden in the town, a festive concert of the orchestra “Plovdiv” and dance group “Smiles”.

An accompanying event is the exhibition “Golden Thorn”, visiting the Historical Museum, dedicated to rose production, which will remain until June 4. Alley of Crafts will offer handicrafts on both days, and Alley of Fragrances – products with essential oils. A curious opportunity for the participants in the holiday is to take a carriage ride.

Feast of the rose and mineral water in Pavel Banya

When: June 10

The Rose and Mineral Water Festival will be held on June 10 in the center of Pavel Banya. The Queen of Roses and the King of Mineral Water will be announced during the event. There is music and a rich program to be announced.