A unanimous commitment to freedom of belief “Respect to be respected”

Freedom of belief – The Fundación para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad (Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society) gathered once again this year in Madrid to present the Religious Freedom Awards, awards that for the past decade have sought to recognise the…

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Asylum and migration pact: press conference with President Metsola and lead MEPs | News

On Wednesday morning, MEPs leading the negotiations on behalf of the European Parliament on the EU’s common asylum and migration legislation will brief media on the outcome and answer journalists’ questions. Alongside Parliament President Roberta Metsola, the following MEPs will…

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Elections in Bangladesh, Massive arrests of opposition activists

The government led by the Awami League is claiming to commit to free and fair general elections due to take place on 7 January 2024 while simultaneously the state authorities are filling prisons with members of the political opposition and are responsible for using excessive force, enforced…

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia: VMRO-DPMNE inculcates Bulgarophobia, Europhobia and Albanophobia

According to him, there is no other way to the EU than changes in the Constitution

VMRO-DPMNE instills Bulgarian, Europhobic and Albanian phobia and thereby scares the citizens of North Macedonia, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani in an…

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Zakharova: Dangerous fools, illiterate officials in Sofia disgrace the Bulgarian people

It’s the reason why Lavrov’s plane did not fly over Bulgaria

The spokeswoman of the Russian MFA, Maria Zakharova, called the decision of the Bulgarian authorities to deny Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s plane from flying through the country’s airspace if she herself was on…

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A Russian delegation will go to Skopje

The Russian delegation will participate in a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OSCE in Skopje, after Bulgaria, as promised to North Macedonia, opened the airspace for the Russian Federation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, quoted by TASS and BTA.

“Now it…

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76 Russian planes have been confiscated since the sanctions

According to the Russian Minister of Transport Vitaly Saveliev, 76 Russian planes have been confiscated as a result of the sanctions imposed because of the invasion of Ukraine, “TVP World” reported.

Saveliev expressed his surprise at the sudden decision to confiscate these planes,…

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Romania goes on the diplomatic offensive to recover gold treasure stolen by Russia

National Bank of Romania (NBR) Governor Mugur Icerescu recalled this week that 107 years have passed since Romania’s First World War gold treasure was sent for safekeeping to Moscow, which Bucharest claims it has not yet fully recovered. Moscow, for its part, denies having any obligations to…

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