The Pope once again called for peace through negotiations

We must never forget that war invariably leads to defeat, the Holy Father noted

At his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis once again called for negotiated peace and condemned the bloody conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, Reuters reported. The agency notes that the…

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Pope Francis celebrated his 87th birthday in the presence of dozens of children

Children from the Vatican-run pediatric clinic sang several songs for the Holy Father

Pope Francis turned 87 today, greeted by children who helped him blow out the candle on a celebratory white cake, Reuters reported. Children from the Vatican-run pediatric clinic sang several songs to the…

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Fil humanitaire et diplomatie secrète

Par Alexander Soldatov, « Novaya Gazeta » A l’occasion de la visite de l’envoyé spécial du pape à Moscou et à Kiev Selon des informations officielles, le contenu des entretiens du cardinal italien Matteo Zuppi à Moscou les 28 et 28 juin comprenait des « questions humanitaires ». Ainsi, après le…

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actualites en français

Pope Francis: The Christian does not believe in superstitions, such as magic, cards and horoscopes

“When you don’t understand the word of God, but read horoscopes and consult fortune-tellers, you start to go downhill,” he warned some time ago

“The Christian does not believe in superstitions, such as magic, (divining) cards, horoscopes and the like,” said Pope Francis, quoted…

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Towards a fair and just world for all –

In the history of the wars of the last millennium, the main platform of conflicts was Europe. But thanks to extraordinary decisions taken after the Second World War (for example, instead of continuing the confrontation, Germany and France created a structure of mutually beneficial relations –…

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