Open letter to the President of the Republic

By Jean-François & Hisako Moulinet, and the team of the interreligious circle “Dialogue & Alliance”

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games has provoked many reactions in the heat of the moment.

A very real discomfort has emerged. And we believe that we must immediately learn…

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Nobel laureates have called on religious leaders to raise their voices to end the bloodshed

Fifty-one Nobel laureates have signed an open letter calling for an end to hostilities in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. It was published in the French newspaper “Le Monde”.

The authors call for an immediate ceasefire, the exchange of all prisoners, the release of the hostages and the…

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Priests to the Russian authorities: Do not be more cruel than Pilate

Russian clergy and believers have published an open appeal to the authorities in Russia calling for the body of politician Alexei Navalny to be handed over to his family.

The text of the address is published on the website of the Orthodox project “Peace for all”. The authors of the…

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An open letter in defense of Father Alexei Uminsky was sent to Patriarch Kirill

Nearly five hundred Christians have sent an open letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia regarding the ban on candlelight services. Alexei Uminsky, whom they identify as their spiritual mentor, reports the information resource In the letter they write that Fr. Alexey is…

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Five Athos abbots have spoken out against the new digital identity cards

Five abbots of Athos monasteries (Xiropotam, Caracal, Dohiar, Philotei and Constamonite) and nearly ten of monasteries in Greece sent an open letter to the Greek government, in which they want the exchange of old identity cards with new ones not to be mandatory, but that Greek citizens they can…

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