Several women have accused a Georgian metropolitan of sexual assault

An investigation by “Free Europe” gathered the testimonies of five women who were victims of sexual assault by a high-ranking Georgian cleric over the past ten years.

One of the women was fifteen years old at the time. It is about the Metropolitan of Akhalkalaki and Kumurdo Nikolay…

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Hesychasm and Humanism: The Palaeologous Renaissance (2)

By Leonid Ouspensky The number of borrowings from antiquity greatly increased in the 13th and 14th centuries, borrowed ancient motifs entered church art no longer only as additions; they permeate the plot itself and its character. There is a tendency to give volume through depth. A certain…

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Cypriot Archbishop George: I am against the carrying of relics for commercial purposes

Interview of Archbishop George of Cyprus (elected on December 24, 2022 and enthroned on January 8, 2023) for “Phileleuteros”, in which he talks about the problems of the Church of Cyprus, the role and responsibility of the Church in society and towards the new generation. He explains what made…

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Hesychasm and Humanism: The Palaeologous Renaissance (1)

By Leonid Ouspensky
When the Greeks regained Constantinople in 1261, the state was in complete ruin. Destitution and epidemics are everywhere. Civil wars are raging (three in one generation). Meanwhile, Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus sought negotiations with Rome (the Union of Lyons in 1274)….

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Sharing A Wounded Heart |

By Br. Charbel Rizk (Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East)
What is the purpose of this life, this monastic life, that we are living? As monks and nuns, we do many things. Sometimes too many things. Often we find ourselves compelled to do them. When we came to Sweden from…

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Moscow Patriarch Cyril: Russia still has a lot of work to do, I’m not afraid to say it – on a global scale

On September 12, to the ringing of bells, the Russian Patriarch Cyril, in the presence of members of the government of St. Petersburg and “participants of the special military operation”, carried with lithium the coffin with the relics of Prince Alexander Nevsky to the Church of the…

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Redoublez nos prières pour la Paix ! L’appel du Conseil œcuménique des Églises

Par Martin Hoegger, Lausanne, Suisse Genève, le 21 juin 2023. Dans son sermon, lors de la célébration d’ouverture du comité central du Conseil œcuménique des Églises, le patriarche Bartholomée (Église orthodoxe, Constantinople) n’a pas ménagé ses efforts. Il a critiqué « l’alignement de l’Église…

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The Russian Church has declared pacifism incompatible with Orthodoxy

The Russian Orthodox Church claims that pacifism is incompatible with the teachings of the Orthodox Church, as evidenced by its presence in heretical teachings. This is stated in the materials for the meeting of the ecclesiastical court, at which the statements of the priest from Kostroma Ioan…

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Anuncio del Sínodo de Obispos de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia para Kosovo y Metohija

De: Consejo de Obispos de SOC / 20.05.2023 La reunión ordinaria de este año del Santo Consejo de Obispos de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia prestó especial atención al pueblo y la Iglesia en Kosovo y Metohija. En el último año, decenas de ataques contra personas, santuarios, hogares y…

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Un tribunal ukrainien a condamné l’ancien métropolite Yoasaf de Kirovgrad pour avoir justifié l’occupation russe

L’ancien métropolite de Kirovgrad Joasaf (Guben) de l’UOC, ainsi que le secrétaire du diocèse, le père Roman Kondratyuk, ont été condamnés à trois ans de prison avec une période probatoire de deux ans par le tribunal de district de Kropyvnytskyi. Ils sont accusés d’incitation à la haine religieuse et…

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About sincerity and adaptability – Rules of life of Archbishop of Grodno Artemy –

By Edition “Pravmir”

On April 22, 2023, Archbishop Artemy (Kishchenko) of Grodno (hierarch of the Belarusian Church) passed away to the Lord. He gave interviews to Pravmir more than once, and many of his wise thoughts will always be relevant. Let’s remember them. And let us remember…

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Deux célèbres prêtres biélorusses sont passés sous l’omophorion du Patriarcat œcuménique –

Deux célèbres prêtres biélorusses sont passés sous l’omophorion du patriarche œcuménique – ce sont Prot. George Roy et le P. Alexandre Koukhta. Leurs demandes ont été examinées par le Saint-Synode du Patriarcat œcuménique et ont été satisfaites à la veille de l’Annonciation, le 25 mars, sur la base de la Règle 10…

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