Father Alexey Uminsky was deposed for refusing to read the “military prayer”

On January 13, the Moscow Diocesan Church Court announced its decision in the case of Father Alexei Uminsky, depriving him of his priestly rank. Today was the third session of the court, as Fr. Alexey didn’t show up for it. According to the rules of the ecclesiastical court, at the third…

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Putin‘s personal gerontologist, who worked to extend life to 120 years, has died

Vladimir Havinson, one of the most famous Russian gerontologists, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and founder of the Institute of Gerontology, died at the age of 77, The Moscow Times reports.

Havinson has been called “Putin’s personal gerontologist” in the press and has…

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Senegal February 2024, When a statesman steps down in Africa

The presidential election in Senegal is already noteworthy before it even happens on 25 February 2024. This is because President Macky Sall told the world last summer that he would be stepping down and would not run in the election, thereby fully respecting the end of his constitutional term….

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Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament | News

At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.
President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of…

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An icon with an image of Stalin in the Tbilisi Cathedral was covered with paint

An icon of St. Matrona of Moscow, which also depicts Soviet commander-in-chief Joseph Stalin, was placed in Tbilisi’s Holy Trinity Cathedral. The icon was placed a few months ago, but on the eve of the Nativity of Christ in the old style, it was moved to a more central place, where it…

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Giorgia Meloni and Viktor Orban’s Secretive Negotiations on EU Aid for Ukraine

According to an article by Bloomberg, there have been reports of secretive negotiations between Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. It is said that Meloni has urged Orban to remove his opposition to the European Union’s aid for Ukraine.


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Nizhny Novgorod sect named after Putin today

The Nizhny Novgorod sect named after Putin thundered at the beginning of the president’s second term in the mid-2000s. A certain Mother Photinia announced that in a past life she was the Apostle Paul, and began to pray with the adherents at the “myrrh-streaming” icon with his image….

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European Commission’s Commitment to Youth Engagement and Policy Influence in the European Union

Following the European Year of Youth in 2022 the European Commission is actively working to ensure that young people have a say in the decision-making processes of the European Union. Today’s announcement is a step forward in prioritizing the perspectives and issues that matter to young…

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MEPs can get circa 18000€ monthly, A Closer Look Beyond the Numbers

As Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) navigate the complexities of legislating for the European Union, scrutinizing the financial aspects of their compensation becomes imperative when knowing they can get circa 18000 euros monthly potentially tax-free. This critical analysis not only…

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