The miniature island that changes its nationality every 6 months

It is located in a river between France and Spain

There are no pheasants on Pheasant Island, Victor Hugo exclaimed when he visited the site in 1843.

In fact, there is almost nothing there. The representatives of the fauna are ducks and migratory birds, there are also a few trees and…

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Lia Kali on psychiatry: “a child tied to a bed, even for ten minutes… is torture”

It struck a chord with many when it was released a year ago. The song sheds light on the flaws and mistreatment prevalent in psychiatric facilities, drawing attention from both the audience and critics. Recently, Lia Kali shared her journey behind the song on the popular Spanish TV show “El…

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España, alerta por riesgo de incendios forestales y altas temperaturas

El riesgo de incendios forestales seguirá siendo muy alto o extremo en gran parte del país durante los próximos días. A partir del domingo y en especial durante la próxima semana se espera un episodio de temperaturas muy altas. Además, hoy viernes hay un riesgo importante de lluvia y tormentas…

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Le club d’élite : les motards qui ont conquis le Tour de France 5 fois

Le Tour de France, apogée du cyclisme professionnel, a vu grandir de nombreux athlètes d’exception tout au long de son illustre histoire de 120 ans, dont c’est l’anniversaire d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Parmi ces légendes du cyclisme, quelques privilégiés ont réalisé le remarquable…

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actualites en français

Antidepressants and mental health, a damn billion-dollar business

The consumption of antidepressants keeps increasing in a world that looks easier for the pill than for finding the actual problem and solving it.

In 2004, the Medicines Agency carried out a study in which it made it clear that the consumption of antidepressants had increased threefold in the…

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