Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria was outraged by the “deafening silence” of the Orthodox superiors

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria sent a letter to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, who are currently gathered in Istanbul.

The Patriarch again calls for support against the anti-canonical actions of the Russian Church in Africa, which has…

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The Impact of Political Leadership on Economic Development in Nigeria

By Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba, PhD. Executive Director, Centre for Faith and Community Development (CFCD)


The traditional concept of leadership is based on the notion that leaders are selected to command control and make final decisions for the collective group. However, through…

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Israel/Palestine: Statement by the High Representative on the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice

The European Union takes good note of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in respect of the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, reaching the following conclusions: These…

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Global Christian Forum: Diversity of global Christianity on display in Accra

By Martin Hoegger

Accra Ghana, 16th April 2024. In this African city teeming with life, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) brings together Christians from more than 50 countries and from all families of Churches. Of Ghanaian origin, its general secretary Casely Essamuah explains that the GCF…

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Afforestation of Africa threatens grasslands and savannahs

New research warns that Africa’s tree-planting campaign poses a double jeopardy as it will damage ancient CO2-absorbing grass ecosystems while failing to fully restore depleted forests, the Financial Times reports. The article, published in the journal Science, focuses on one particular project,…

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Alexandrian Holy Synod deposed the new Russian exarch in Africa

On February 16, at the meeting in the ancient monastery “St. George” in Cairo the H. Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria decided to depose Bishop Constantine (Ostrovsky) of Zaraysk from the Russian Orthodox Church.

On October 11 last year, he was appointed acting “Patriarchal…

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Senegal February 2024, When a statesman steps down in Africa

The presidential election in Senegal is already noteworthy before it even happens on 25 February 2024. This is because President Macky Sall told the world last summer that he would be stepping down and would not run in the election, thereby fully respecting the end of his constitutional term….

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Omar Harfouch confirms from Washington, America will enter the war against Hezbollah

In the midst of the military and political tensions prevailing in the Middle East, the Honorary Chairman of the European Diversity and Dialogue Committee, Omar Harfouche, arrived in the United States of America, specifically to Washington, where he began his meetings in the US Senate. Harfouch…

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The Perpetrators as Prosecutors: A Haunting Paradox in the Amhara Genocide and the Imperative of Transitional Justice

In the heart of Africa, where vibrant cultures and diverse communities have thrived for centuries, a silent nightmare unfolds. The Amhara Genocide, a brutal and horrific episode in Ethiopia’s history, remains largely obscured from international view. Yet, beneath this shroud of silence lies a…

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