You are the first truly Orthodox president

On July 28th Russian Patriarch Kirill awarded Vladimir Putin with the Church Order “St. Alexander Nevsky – First Class” in St. Petersburg, expressing his satisfaction with the complete agreement between the church and the authorities in Russia, informes On the day of the…

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Presidential decree on demand and protection of Russian property abroad

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has signed a decree to allocate funds for the legal protection of real estate of the Russian Federation abroad, including those of the Russian Empire and the USSR. At the same time, funds are also allocated for the search for Russian properties…

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Putin‘s personal gerontologist, who worked to extend life to 120 years, has died

Vladimir Havinson, one of the most famous Russian gerontologists, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and founder of the Institute of Gerontology, died at the age of 77, The Moscow Times reports.

Havinson has been called “Putin’s personal gerontologist” in the press and has…

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Nizhny Novgorod sect named after Putin today

The Nizhny Novgorod sect named after Putin thundered at the beginning of the president’s second term in the mid-2000s. A certain Mother Photinia announced that in a past life she was the Apostle Paul, and began to pray with the adherents at the “myrrh-streaming” icon with his image….

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Putin puede visitar Turquía para la inauguración de la planta nuclear –

Azerbaiyán suministrará gas natural a Hungría, a través de Bulgaria El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, puede visitar Turquía para la ceremonia de inauguración de la planta de energía nuclear de Akkuyu el 27 de abril, anunció el presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “Actualmente estamos continuando con éxito el…

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The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –

The French president makes European partners uncomfortable with his statements on the need to distance himself from the US on foreign policy, with reference to Taiwan. Poland revolts as Germany says the EU cannot be “indifferent”.

Article by Irene Castro – Correspondent in Brussels for ELDIARIO.ES – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Translated by The European Times.

A cooperative partner, a difficult competitor and a systemic rival. Three definitions that may even seem contradictory to define the EU’s relationship with China. These are the rules of the game that the leaders of the EU-27 established last October in the run-up to the preparations for the search for a rapprochement with the Asian giant, which is revealing the differences in the European club and even bringing tensions to the surface.

The EU has long been searching for its place in a polarised world. While Brussels has been engaged in preparing for the US-China trade war and much of its policies in recent months have been aimed at minimising dependence on Xi Jinping’s regime in the face of mistrust, the EU has been reviving diplomatic relations at various levels without losing sight of the strategic relationship with the United States.

“Efforts are moving in the same direction. Nobody in Europe, whatever you call the government or the member of the Commission, wants to disengage from China and go to two blocs in this world. Everyone says we need to engage…

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